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My First Dance
Morning Glory
Citation:   Space Tripper. "My First Dance: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp22149)". Apr 9, 2021.

181 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  Repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I've read many stories of trips, what you can trip on, what it's like, what to avoid, so on and so forth. I became greatly interested in hallucinogenic drugs. I searched for 'shrooms or acid for about 5 months but had no luck. My town is fucking dry when it come to hallucinogenics. Frustrated, but not through trying, I decided to read some info on morning glory and read some experiences, doses, etc. I decided it would have to do until I could find the almighty ACID.

I went to the local store and bought 8 packs of morning glory heavenly blue seeds. When I returned home I opened 4 packs and counted the seeds. The total was 181, a good number of seeds to consume.

After washing off the seeds with water and hand soap, I let them dry for a while. After a couple of days (due to lack of time to prepare them) I began the tedious task of cutting up the tiny bastards with a half-dull pocket knife. It took me a grand total of 2 and 1/2 hours to cut up all 181 seeds to what I felt was small enough to eat.

While making lunch the next day I found a coffee grinder I had not been aware of. I made use of it by grinding the seeds to a light tan and black powder.

==Trip Day==
It was a typical Friday night with my friends. Smoking at the local park and then driving aimlessly for a couple hours. We went and had dinner around 9 pm, so when I arrived home at 11 pm my stomach was still quite full. This made me a little nervous due to the fact that I've heard of people getting nauseous and puking their asses off. Nonetheless I mixed the powder in with some chocolate pudding and forced myself to swallow the powdery, chocolate mixture (11:30 pm or so).

After getting the taste out of my mouth with some apple juice, I settled at the computer to chat it up with my friends for a bit. After arranging my playlist on winamp, I began feeling the effects (it was about 11:55 pm or so). I looked up and my hearing went away for a second and everything shifted. I logged off and went up to my room.

My room is rather trippy if I do say so myself. Complete with blacklight, lava lamps, posters, glowing stars... all it's missing is a few beanbags.

I laid on the floor and turned on the pink floyd I had in. The selection worked out well. All of the sudden it hit me... I was trippin'. The lights were brighter, the music was louder and crisper, the incenses smelled even better. I decided to try a cigarette to see how good it would taste with my heightened senses. 'This is amazing' I remembered thinking. As I smoked out my bedroom window the cigarette seemed to light up the whole street as I inhaled it. The vanilla was sweet and the smoke was lovely. I finish and went downstairs to talk to my friends (I couldn't hold back my excitement any longer).

Talking to my friends was both a bad idea and a challenge. I couldn't type very well for starters. And secondly, it dragged me back to reality for a while... not fun. I logged of, again, and went back upstairs after sampling some thin mint cookies.

The pink floyd tribute CD popped on and I could hear every gear in my stereo moving. The music started. Pink Floyd covers with techno beats thrown in for good measure. I looked at this pikachu banner I have hanging up and he started dancing but then got mean so I had to look away. I felt so connected and able. I thought and for the first time in a while I was happy and wanted to do, go, and be nice to everyone, and so on. I remember looking at my jim morrison poster and saying over and over 'jim, you were a fucking god'. All the sudden jim turned into jesus, complete with a crown of thorns.
looking at my jim morrison poster and saying over and over 'jim, you were a fucking god'. All the sudden jim turned into jesus, complete with a crown of thorns.

I noticed tracers about 4 hours into the trip. Tracers are extremely fun to have when smoking and playing with incense. I smoked another cigarette and then spun back and forth as I felt each hair on my arm move individually. I felt free and I began to dance to the CD. I went back down around 4:45 am when I was coming down and saw someone running past the hallway and disappear. I ventured on and got some apple juice, turned off the computer, and went up to bed. I fell asleep around 5:15 am and experienced no real hang over aside from the periodic tracer or slight hallucination (i.e. a towel shifting for a moment).

==Post Trip==
I viewed this as an extremely positive, liberating, and fun experience.

Goodbye and happy tripping,
Space Tripper


Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22149
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 9, 2021Views: 783
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), Preparation / Recipes (30), Combinations (3), First Times (2), General (1)

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