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Stairway to Hell
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
by Loup
Citation:   Loup. "Stairway to Hell: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp22280)". Erowid.org. Mar 21, 2003. erowid.org/exp/22280

3.5 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
This was my first trip in a couple of months, i felt I was 'due' for taking a trip. This trip wasn't like most normal trips I normally have.
I started off eating 3.5 grams of Cubenesis, taking about ten minutes to eat the whole thing, chewing it up really well so i wouldn't be nauseous. That took me about ten minutes. I was hanging out in a friends room actually explaining to him what a trip is like as he's never tripped and mildly curious, and I noticed that at about 7.20 i was spaced out and speaking really slowly. I checked my pupils and they were already huge. Normally it takes about an hour for me to start feeling anything. By 7.30 i was getting full open eye visuals.

I went back to my room to listen to music and play with visuals but i noticed something weird. i wasn't getting any intensive visuals, and music wasn't sounding extremely good like it normally does. I kept getting the same visuals repeated over and over again, basic patterns in the ceiling and walls. The whole time i felt very stupified and unable to think properly. Again, normally i feel pretty lucid on a trip but i think like a child. After about half an hour things became too intense, music stopped sounding interesting, it just became too much to take.

I started wandering around my dorm, but it was too intense for me. I went back to my friend's room and just lay there on the floor. At about 8.30 it felt like my trip was starting to plateau. I figured I could just lie there and enjoy the feeling of everything feeling really good like it normally does. At about 8.45 i felt the trip getting stronger. From then for about an hour, my trip just kept getting stronger and more intense, and i was completely overwhelmed. I could barely even speak, that part of my brain was too overwhelmed. I just lay there waiting for things to fade, I couldn't handle anything anymore, it was like having my head being squeezed in a clamp of some sort. I figured that at the strength that my trip was reaching, i would probably get some sort of ego loss or crossover, or any of those fun things people talk about when they trip really hard. All i felt was an intense stupidity and inability to handle reality. I wasn't even able to just sit there in my own room, it was too complicated for me.

Finally at about 9.45 my trip started winding down really fast and by 10 i was feeling much better. For another three hours, colors were still bright on me, and i felt like i was on alot of speed. My eyes were still very dilated so i figured the shrooms were still hitting my system.
During the trip i felt like alice though. I couldn't answer for my own name b/c i wasn't feeling like myself, i felt like someone else, someone very stupid. Just thinking about it afterwards, I started realizing that there is no such thing as some perfect drug where I can take it and have a good time. Mushrooms really aren't a window to the soul the way people think they are, all they do is make me stupid for a while and stress me out till I hallucinate. It might be fun, but i spent the whole time missing reality and i was just very glad when it was over.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22280
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2003Views: 12,629
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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