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The University Lesson
Citation:   Shaun. "The University Lesson: An Experience with Datura (exp22429)". Jun 23, 2006.

8 seeds oral Datura (fresh)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I'm 14 years old, live by the beach and crave psychoactive experiences. I've read quite a bit about Datura, we call it locoweed and no one really does it. I'm pretty confident about myself and drugs, I’ve never really been pushed into doing a drug that I don’t want to do, basically because I have a strong self consciousness. I don't believe in one god, but I do believe there is a god, mostly because of my only DMT experience. I'm not depressed, I suffer insomnia, I should probably get that out of the way.

Anyways, I was at my house and luckily had 8 datura plants. I thought I knew what to expect from this plant. I had gotten a glass of water and popped the seeds into my mouth, swallowed them without any problem. I immediately left the house and went down to a fort me and my friends made by the beach. Plenty of ice plant around there, so I thought it would be a great place to chill. I get there, not noticing myself doing anything abnormal yet.

I got to the steps up to the fort and went up, feeling a tad bit, let’s say 'different minded'. I went in my fort and sat down on the ground. Now, this is when immediately, I knew it was going to happen. I wasn't going to let myself fuck over like I’ve seen. I noticed that I had a joint in my hand and that it was lit. I looked around and saw no one, but yet I found indiscernibly comfortable. 'Ah, what the hell.' and I hit the joint, I felt like I had kept hitting it, and I felt the marijuana burn in my lungs but I could keep going. I had noticed that the plants had eyes, but yet they didn’t. I was looking at the plants, as they seemed to guide me. I had not an idea of what was going on. Suddenly, I had noticed I was standing up. This isn't right I thought, the plants had taken me to them. I felt an urge to speak with them, and felt that I should let my ego go.

This is where the fun began. I remember saying something like, 'Plants, show me your aura, I will feel the personality of you.'. As soon as I mentioned this comment, they started speaking with me, teaching me lessons of life, showing me that I was a German soldier in my past life and that I was going to live to high standards of this world. I believed this. They where teaching em, training me, I didn't know what but they where. I felt the full aura of them, plants aren't to be treated without respect. They grow and feel the feelings of the earth, and that the auras of this world needed to be enlightened, I was learning lessons constantly, deeply, rationally. I can't explain it but I learned so much knowledge, I feel it right now but I can't explain it.

After sitting there until nightfall, roughly 3-4 hours, I had felt a urge to command. I left the fort, stubbornly jumping off the ledge hitting the sand (roughly 10 ft of the ground). I didn't feel it, but yet I felt an urge to move on. I was heading towards the stairs and I saw my friend smoking a joint on the stairs. I had talked with him for anywhere from 5 minutes to 20, and I remember saying later and floating up the stairs to my bike. Now, having a strong self consciousness, I knew riding my bike probably wouldn’t be the best idea. I noticed my shoes and socks where gone along with my poison oak that I have on my leg. I tried thinking to myself that the plants had shown me ways of resistance against them. I looked around at my neighbor hood and all was normal, I knew not to talk to ANYONE I saw on the street, because they where most like a substance induced hallucination. I had walked home in seemingly seconds. I knew I was at my house, my dad was out on the deck and he said 'Hey.' I replied 'Hey dad what’s up.' and he said 'Nothing much' and I just said 'later I’m gonna go play computer or something.' acting totally out of it. As I walked inside, kangaroos where on a leash tied to my foosball table. I almost tried to ride it but I just ran into my room.

Now, as much as I can remember I’m going to tell. I was in my computer chair, looking at my 'blanket'. It had alien-like shape and was standing on the ground. 'For you will desire the apple.'.

After that, I don’t remember shit. I remember 'waking up' or coming out of my state enough to be semi-conscious. I looked at my clock and it had said 3:57AM. I had noted this on my hand apparently with pencil. From here on, for a reason unknown I felt a GREAT urge to be active. I could no longer waste my precious times with my datura entity. I had jumped up and screamed 'ICH BIN DEUTSCH!', me learning a little german from a good friend overseas. I had been glad to have taken datura at this point, although I didn't know if my dad had came in earlier and saw me at my state. A funny thing is, I don’t really remember where I got up from.

I knew I was able to function normal now, no one being awake and all. I went out to the kitchen and the kangaroo was there. I felt as though I was a computer and said to my self LOL. Really, I said 'l o l' in real life. I got a drink (substance unknown) and went back in my room with the kangaroo.

'So, what's you're name?' I said to the kangaroo, which replied swiftly, almost human-like 'Jimmy.'' 'Jimmy, do you want to smoke a joint with me?' 'Sure.' This is where my dream instinct comes in, in my dreams, I somehow have the ability to control them, wake my self up inside my dream and tell myself THIS IS A DREAM. But I noticed I wasn't in a dream, and tried to do the same thing.

This is a joint, in my hand. It didn't work but as soon as I looked at Jimmy, my new companion, I had a joint in my hand. Astonished, I lit up and passed it to Jimmy. 'Hey bro, we got to chill some time again.' I said. 'The loco is a university, I am Jimmy the 2nd squadron teacher. You're an exceptionally interesting subject. You can control your REM outputs.' I felt normal, and understood this perfectly. 15 minutes after talking about him and his university which details are so small, I felt the bud kick in. I almost laughed. 'Jimmy, why can't you live here.', 'I travel with my university, we have multiple fleets all over the world. We show people things that they can only discover by untapping there brain, but some people that don’t need it, or are forced into taking the classes have overly dramatic datarian effects which can lead to accidents.' Ahhh, I thought to myself, although now realizing that I wasn't thinking to myself. The insanity started.

I was now in a bubble gum rapper. There was nothing I could do about it. I was ready for whatever was going to happen, Jimmy and the plants have prepared me for the Datura insanity attack. I was a military unit. I was going to be sent into war, I knew it. I couldn't stop it or help it, but I was going to fight for a reason. My vision and all was fine, I saw my room, but couldn't move. I was in a fucking bubblegum rapper, felt it and knew it.

The wrap feeling disappeared and I had jumped on my bed and grabbed a glass, having it in my hand ready for launch, I felt Jimmy who had disappeared from my vision tell me to hold back and launch a mental attack, I knew he was right, and I set it down and focused, I believed that I could fight off this evil form trying to take over my mind so much, that I literally can't explain the mind set I was in. I could have been on any drug in the world but it wouldn't have stopped me from my mission, I would of died fighting this plague. I black out.

I have just got done finishing writing the story, it's 4PM and I slept until know since yesterday at a unknown time. I have a deep cut on my skin and found a sharp piece of bloody metal. I don't know where this came from, but the cut seems to form a D, with a slight design to it. I had bled all over a towel given to me by some one? I had asked our roomate if I had acted weird yesterday and he said 'Yeah you seemed you where a little weirded out coming inside yesterday but nothing much' I just said oh thanks for the help and left. My dad was pissed at me cos I didn't wake up for school, and thinks that I got really really drunk yesterday but doesn't care to much, I just have to go work for him this weekend.

Overall, the experience was invaluable. I will do locoweed again, and it will happen in a same kind of way as it happened today. I still don't know how I got the towel with out breaking something or killing myself but, I’m fine now. Just a scar on my arm for oh, the rest of my life.

I feel something now, and it's what I had learned yesterday. I know now I can survive in situations. I have more confidence then I did two days ago, for some reason.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22429
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 23, 2006Views: 8,851
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Datura (15) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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