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Riding The Cactus Rocket
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Alcohol
by Jon
Citation:   Jon. "Riding The Cactus Rocket: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Alcohol (exp22658)". Nov 29, 2005.

12 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (plant material)
  8 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
It started out as a normal day. It was a hot summer morning and I was home along surfing the internet. As usual I was reading experience reports and doing some research on different hallucinogenic substances. I have been very interested in mind-altering, naturally occuring substances for sometime. I'm also very into trying new things that not many are willing to try. Some of which include Dipenhydrinate (Dramamine), Datura, Amanitas, and Belladonna. I stumbled across some information on legal Cacti that contain moderate amounts of mescaline.

I eagerly looked up the nearest cactus shop in my area. I informed my friend about my discovery, (he has never done any hallucinogens) and he was more than willing to try this with me. I journeyed to the Cactus Shop and bought a 12 inch piece of San Pedro...very was around 70 bucks (I probably got ripped off since the guy could tell I had no knowledge of cacti whatsoever.)

We decided that the next day we would blend up a mixture of the cactus and some ginseng. That evening as I was about to get in the shower before a night out with some friends, I began to get really excited about trying this new substance. I couldn't wait until the next day and I began slicing up the cactus into spears and eating everything but the core and the skin. I was VERY anxious, and felt VERY nervous about what I was doing. I had NO sitter, NO preparation, and I was planning on leaving my house to go to an unknown environment. Three words can describe what I was doing...stupid, stupid, stupid.

I left my house, drove over to my friend's place, and by the time I got there, things began to happen. I felt giddy, warm inside. My jaw was clenching, my palms were sweaty and my skin was clammy. I told my friend what I had did and that I didn't want to leave his house. I felt so STRANGE. Things felt new, like I just moved there. Everything had a strange personification attached to it. Like everything was alive. Things didn't move or talk, but I just knew they were all alive.

I sat down with him and began drinking beer. I didn't even think anything of it at the time. I was in a kind of trance where I knew what I was doing, but it didn't register that it was actually ME and that it was actually REAL. I remember just sitting there for what seemed like days...never getting bored, just looking at everything like I was from Mars. I kept drinking and kept going to the bathroom and that was it. I ended up having 8 beers before I passed out.

I awoke the next day at my friend's place...and I felt HORRIBLE. The trip itself, for me, was amazing. I didn't have a good set or setting and i could have hurt myself VERY badly. Have fun

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 22658
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 29, 2005Views: 8,808
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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