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The Peeling Back of the Surface World
Mushrooms (in Chocolate)
by Zebo
Citation:   Zebo. "The Peeling Back of the Surface World: An Experience with Mushrooms (in Chocolate) (exp22708)". Oct 13, 2004.

1 oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
  0.5 oral Mushrooms (edible / food)

It was winter.
The air was cold and bitter while the wind added a sharp sting to it.
A girl I'll call Osiris had emerged from hiding. Osiris is a most reliable friend who has sold us the most wonderful psychedelics so everytime she calls about having something we jump. This time it was chocolates. We were excited as we remembered the last time chocolates had gone around, but Osiris was saying they were even more potent. I bought myself two as did my other friends K, J and J. As soon as we bought them we ate one each and wondered off to smoke some bud to calm any jitters. I'd say my trip started during that bowl. I remember the mushrooms coming alive and starting to crawl their way outward through my stomach lining and into my gut. I looked up at my friends and saw they too were beginning their journeys. After the bowl I was getting really antzy from the onset and we decided to return to K's and my dorm. The walk prooved to be more of a challenge than I thought it would be. We were all pretty out there and it was only 50 some minutes into the trip.

We made it back to K's room safely and settled in. We put a family guy on the computer and everyone just stared at it in awe. After that we just kinda sat and talked to each other, geeking out the whole time. i remember it being more of a bodybuzz at that point than anything else. I was only getting closed-eyed visuals at that point. All of us decided that we should think about taking the rest of what we had. I felt that another would send me over the deepend so I sold half of mine to J and we both ate our halves. The other J and K both decided that they wanted the full experience and consumed their second chocolates.

15 minutes later I was fully emerged in my first chocolate. J and J in a collective epiphany decided to return to their dorm and we wished them goodbye and watched them set off to their fates. A sea of particles had unveiled itself to me and a swam through it to K's computer. I turned on another family guy and K and I sunk into our chairs and started sharing what was going on. K said that he had lost touch with reality and that his room was now the only physical existence left. I was watching the walls breathe and decided that everything is alive. Once the second dose (for a total of 6grams approx?) made itself obvious I confided in K that I was farther than I had been in a long time. K said that he was over his head and that he wanted to be left alone. I obliged and floated to my room down the hall.

I openned the door to my room and recalled the phrase above the gates of hell in dante's inferno.
'abandon all hope ye who enter here'
I ignored the mindfart, walked in and shut the door behind me. I plugged in the red christmas lights that are strung all over my room. The warm glow gave the room an awkward but beautiful feeling, as though i were in the womb. I put Sigur Ros - () in the cd player and reclined onto my bed. I tried to meditate and release myself from any physical stresses and thoughts so i might fully emerse myself in the mushroom. My body spread itself over my bed like butter over toast. I felt my muscles relax and shut my eyes to feel out any knots in them.

Suddenly I emptied out of my body and tumbled into the spiritual world. I saw stars and a light and felt myself drawn up towards a pulsating entity. I opened my eyes and returned to my room. For the next hour or so I explored the depths of sigur ros and a beautiful Alex Grey painting called 'Wonder'. If you havent seen any alex grey i recomend looking into him. Anyway, as the salvador dali paintings on my wall started filling with blue flames licking at the white walls I decided to fall as far into my mind as i could. I shut my eyes again and once more tumbled away from reality. I tried to bury myself with thought. Each thought peeled away another layer of reality and finally i felt as though i reached some core. It came to me in an epiphany. I was free from the restrains of reality and found myself in a sort of free floating objective universe of math. I was being thrown around from idea to idea and spiralling down into the bottom of my psyche.

Suddenly it all just kinda stopped and I was in darkness. Slowly I became aware of a light gently growing. It started as hardly visible but became enormous with time. All of a sudden i realized that i was going to be swallowed by this light, but i was not afraid, rather i was looking forward to seeing what was on the other side. As I expected it grew and grew until i was encompassed in the warm glow. In the light patterns developed and evolved until a city emerged from the radiance. I stood on an alien street in some glowing symetrical reality. I wondered where the people who lived here were. But as I thought of that they too began emerging from the light. They were strange transdimensional beings that were basically undescribable. they spoke to me in a strange telepathic language and told me the essence of being. They were beings of a deeper order than us. We are the culmination of molecular patterns that have evolved from matter (they didnt tell me this, its just physics). We are carbon and other various elements that interact in such intricate patterns that we have developed a sense of individuality. They were beings of a subatomic level. They were not different than us, but they exist with us in another understanding of reality. I began to understand how existence is perspective and how i am an imagination of myself.

I drifted between these two realities all night. For a few hours I just laid on my bed and throbbed with the music. I have to say it was a beautiful experience, highlighted by expansions of knowledge and wonderful conversations with friends both real and not. I cried I laughed (alot) and yet, i found out the next day that my friend K had an even more powerful experience (but he got freaked).

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 22708
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 13, 2004Views: 14,623
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Mushrooms (39) : Various (28), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9)

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