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Foxy and Loathing in my Dorm Room
Citation:   fizzledout. "Foxy and Loathing in my Dorm Room: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp22717)". Aug 4, 2005.

10 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (capsule)
Background: I had a few very bad experiences with acid. They led to a few months of severe paranoia (me regularly sweeping my room for ‘bugs’ and concern about the military intelligence officers in charge of directing me losing in a jurisdictional battle with the local police and the DEA…) I decided that I needed to lay off drugs, especially hallucinogens, for a while to get my head together. I took a break for several months, before I felt that I had myself squared away enough to start dabbling again. I took low doses of mushrooms in combination with DXM (a second plateau dose of DXM goes great with shrooms) a few times and had better experiences but still had ‘The Fear.’ In February of ’03 a buddy of mine mentioned that he knew a guy who was getting some 5-MeO-DiPT before its scheduling. I did some research and bought a 10 mg cap off the guy.

Preparation and Pre-Trip: I decided to take my dose on a Friday exactly one year after a hellish LSD experience led me to down most of a vial. I prepared the previous night by showering and shaving so that I could look nice in mirrors. I read plenty on the effects of the drug, so that I would know what to expect. I thought about my decision to use the drug for a while as a means to prepare my mind. I skipped breakfast the morning of the trip.

I went to my classes which ended at noon. I briefly considered going to the store and buying some DXM syrup, but decided against it due to recent problems I’d been having drinking syrup, in conjunction with the effects of the 5-MeO on stomachs.

T+0:00 - I took the capsule at about noon.

T+0:20 - About twenty minutes or so later, I was sitting in front of my computer and feeling an increasing body load. My whole body and especially my legs felt achy and just not very good. I decided that a warm shower would be nice.

T+0:45 - I got out of the shower and my body felt a little bit better. I started to feel a shift in consciousness that I tend to get with hallucinogens. It was as if my consciousness had physically moved from the front and center of my head to lower and towards the back. At the same time, I could feel a sort of pleasurable excitement and energy rising in my spine. I knew that I needed a little bit of pot to help lubricate the shift and calm the energy a bit. I don’t smoke pot very much anymore and didn’t have any on me, so I made a quick phone call to a friend offering to buy a joint off him.

T+0:50 - Wearing a Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts, big aviator style sunglasses, sandals, and slicked-back hair, I tried to remain inconspicuous as I made my way out of my dorm and over to my friend’s room. I arrived and explained the situation to him. He said, ‘Shit, I’ll smoke you out.’ So, we loaded his bong and drove to a safe spot near campus. Water pipes really make my lungs hurt but I could also feel my lungs opening up ready for huge hits. I tried to find a balance and moderate things a bit as I smoked. My tolerance for marijuana is pretty low, so after a few hits I was feeling pretty good. I let my friend finish the bowl by himself.

T+1:10 - Feeling a bit of the normal paranoia I have when in a car with contraband where marijuana has just been smoked, I bummed a cigarette and politely excused myself to return to my room. I stood outside my dorm smoking the cigarette for a couple minutes. I like to smoke, but this cigarette tasted pretty nasty, so I didn’t finish the whole thing.

I was smoking the cigarette when a tour group of prospective students and their parents passed by. I thought I heard one of them comment about me looking shady standing outside dressed as I was on a crisp, very overcast February afternoon. Hearing people commenting on my behaviour and appearance figured heavily in some of my past paranoia, so I worried a little bit that I might be descending into another hellishly paranoid trip. I made my way back up to my room.

T+1:20 - After a few minutes of visiting web-boards while listening to NOFX, I decided that the interaction on the internet was just too emotionally intense. I could feel The Fear creeping up on me, and wished that I had a television so that I could turn to the comfort of Fox News, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, or The Wall -- all were things that had comforted me on past trips. I thought about visiting friends who own televisions, but I decided that showing up at a house with a head full of some strange drugs asking them not to talk to me while I watch the news or one of their movies would be rude. That’s when I noticed my copy of Fear and Loathing in book form. I hadn’t read it and didn’t know if I would be able to, but I figured I could give it a try.

At this point, I was feeling pretty good. Colors were brighter than normal. Music sounded very intense. NOFX’s lyrics and sound seemed to be injecting angst into my soul. Thankfully, the music prevented me from hearing ‘voices in the next room’ that I had heard on all of my trips since my bad experiences. My body still ached a little bit, but after the shower and the weed it was feeling better. It felt good to move, but I didn’t want to be out in public and my dorm room is too small and crowded for any real activity. I didn’t need to shit, and I felt only a little vague sensation of nausea (I later learned that the guy who sold it to me also put some Imodium AD into the capsule.) I had a little bit of dry mouth and jaw clenching.

So, I stripped down naked and climbed into bed with the book, my CD’s, CD player, and headphones, a box of cinnamon altoids to combat the dry mouth and clenching, and some Pepto-Bismol tablets in case nausea struck. I snuggled under the covers and started to read.

I started reading, and it was wonderful. I had no difficulty reading. I could see and focus on the line I was reading quite clearly. The lines above and below that turned into a sort of beautiful sea of rainbow colored symbols. Everything I read felt completely relevant to my state of mind and what I was doing at that exact moment. It was as if Hunter were writing directly to me and imparting wisdom. It felt like the book were a users manual for a trip like mine.

When Hunter advised to ‘avoid those quick bursts of acceleration that drag blood to the back of the brain,’ I switched out the NOFX for the groovy jazz guitar of John Scofield. With the proper soundtrack, I was able to really dig into the book and enjoy.

T+3:30 - At 3:30, I was still feeling the effects pretty well. My roommate came in and said that he had just failed an exam. He’s a damn good student and very focused on academics. I couldn’t see him from my position on the bed, but it sounded like he was crying. I didn’t want to have to console a crying roommate while I was having a hard enough time keeping a grip on my own sanity. I repositioned myself so that I could see him and saw that he wasn’t crying. Apparently, he just had a really stuffy nose. I tried to maintain conversation for a few minutes, before I explained the situation to him and he let me go back to reading. A few minutes later he left to visit friends.

T+5:30 - Most of the hallucinogenic effects had worn off. I had just finished Part I of the book when my roommate called and asked if I wanted to join him and friends for dinner. I had a great afterglow and was feeling excited and pretty stimulated. I ate half a chicken sandwich before leaving and going to party with friends.

Aftermath: After my experience, I had an intense desire for alcohol. I started drinking at about T+6:00. Over the course of the next six hours, I drank 20 to 30 beers, and several shots of good tequila. The 5-MeO-DiPT had left me with an extreme desire for alcohol and also an enormous tolerance. There was a definite stimulant effect from it. At T+11:00 or so, friends mentioned that my eyes were very dilated.

I’ve used hallucinogens twice since that day, and my paranoia has disappeared. The good trip experience and the things that I learned from reading during it have made tripping fun again.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22717
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 4, 2005Views: 10,156
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Alone (16), First Times (2), Personal Preparation (45), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Difficult Experiences (5)

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