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King of the Woods
Mushrooms, Chocolate (edible) & Cannabis
Citation:   GreyDot. "King of the Woods: An Experience with Mushrooms, Chocolate (edible) & Cannabis (exp22762)". Feb 11, 2023.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
    oral Chocolate (edible / food)
  Couple bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
For quite awhile some friends and I had been planning on camping, and hopefully eating mushrooms, but camping regardless. As it turned out I was offered some chocolates that supposedly had 3.5 grams worth of extracted mushrooms in them so I picked some up. I tried one of the chocolates and found they were pretty good. A week or so later it was warm enough and sort of spur of the moment we decided to head out for the woods.

While it was warm it was still early in the season and we only saw one person leaving the park while we were getting ready to hit the trail. There were 4 of us (only 3 would be tripping, the fourth having a strong distrust of chocolates, which is probably warranted) and we were very late. Because we'd only decided to go that afternoon we didn't really know which campsite we'd be headed for or how long it'd take. We'd also hit some heavy traffic on the drive over so we were having to hoof it pretty quick. We ended up having to build our own campsite which I'd estimate to be about 2 miles from the trailhead. It wasn't a great campsite and we were all pretty worn out since most of us aren't in any decent shape at all.

We cleared out an area for a fire and with the help of some leaves and lighter fluid had a decent blaze going soon enough. In our haste to make it we'd neglected dinner so everyone cooked some hot dogs and we ate some chips. After that 3 of us ate the chocolates and we smoked some pot. I at least wasn't too concerned about the onset of the mushrooms because we'd just eaten and I knew from before that they were good. Everyone just sat down and relaxed around the fire. 3 of us were room mates, A (myself), B and C. CC was a good friend though and we generally hung out with him once or twice a week at least. I'd also tripped on various drugs with various members of the group (LSD, salvia, DXM and mushrooms previously) so everyone was very comfortable with each other. Myself, B and CC were the ones on the shrooms this time around. I think it's important to be comfortable with the people you are tripping with, particularly in a potentially dangerous environment.

I'll gloss over the generic sorts of feelings everyone gets, because I want to concentrate on how I felt being in the woods effected the trip. One thing of note though is when I went to pee some lichen was wiggling around under my headlamp. This was a theme for me the entire night. I was obsessed with lichen and felt the need to let everyone know anytime I saw a new patch of it or if it was doing anything particularly interesting.

The chocolates did take some time to kick in, but early on I noticed a sort of primal feeling. It seemed to me we were survivors in the wilderness, having created a campsite from nothing and created fire. I was standing up near the fire while C, B and CC were all lying slightly downhill from me on their sleeping bags. I was holding a stick which I was lighting then examining the flames up close. Eventually I began to feel as if I somehow ruled over the others of our group. Mostly because I did have a stick, which they didn't, and I was standing. The military advantage of the high ground and use of the fire also entered my mind.

When I let the others know that I was their king they did not seem disturbed however. I told them the reasons I felt I should be the king. B mentioned that he could also get a stick and stand up but he was too lazy. I took this to mean that I was in fact the true king. Eventually my fascination with the way the burning stick looked up close drove some of the others to observe it. This meant of course that they have their own sticks, but I was confident I could still beat them if it came down to it.

We probably smoked a bowl around this time, I know we smoked several throughout the night but don't recall exactly when. The others were spending what seemed ridiculous amounts of time just lying around, which was slightly annoying, but I didn't really mind. At some point I decided to take off my shoes, I guess thinking I'd feel more in tune with nature. I suspected the shrooms would sort of help me commune with nature, but I didn't notice any more inclination to do so than if I had been camping while sober. Either way, I did feel much more comfortable and free without my hiking boots on.

The others went back to lying down for awhile and I was again feeling extremely primal. C suggested I should paint my face. I knew he was fucking with me but I'd actually been considering doing it before he mentioned it. I did require his help getting some ash, because I kept thinking I was going to burn myself somehow. Soon I had charcoal warpaint on and stuck some leafy twigs into the headband of my headlamp. I continued to threaten the others with my stick if they disobeyed me, but they didn't worried about it.
Soon I had charcoal warpaint on and stuck some leafy twigs into the headband of my headlamp. I continued to threaten the others with my stick if they disobeyed me, but they didn't worried about it.
Eventually I got tired of standing and sat down near the fire. The other trippers came and sat next to me while C was wandering around somewhere in the dark.

We all sat around for a long time, only getting up to get more logs for the fire, which we did infrequently and only when the fire was in serious danger of dying because an extreme feeling of laziness had come over me. The others had been lying around the entire time. To my dismay there were no stars, but lying on my back and staring at the sky and trees was still exciting. I tried but failed to convince C to climb a tree while I looked at him upside down, I think that would have been an amazing sight.

After around an hour of lying down I figured we were about 2 hours into the shrooms and decided to get some more wood. I was still barefoot at the time and managed to get a couple sticks for the fire. C pointed out that there were some better logs in one direction. I headed off that way and crossed a very small dried up creek. At this point I could feel an almost physical separation from the others at the campsite. I saw some good logs but kept walking. I turned off my headlamp and was using my firestick from earlier to sort of feel my way along. I was still barefoot so it took me awhile, but eventually I made it over a curve in the hill so that I couldn't even look back at the campsite.

I had been semi-planning this the entire night. I knew there was a creek down the hill but the others had told me it was way too far to walk. I wasn't really headed there, I'm not sure I knew where I was going, but I did walk in the direction of the creek. Several times I stopped and sat and contemplated my surroundings in the near total darkness (it was very cloudy and there were no stars or moon). I felt like a blind man feeling my way around in the woods, but I wasn't scared because I did have my headlamp still and although I couldn't see or hear the others I knew if I shouted they would hear me.

I'm not sure if it's because I was gone for a very long time or if he was just curious to see what was down the way I was but C came along my direction. I could see his light and hear him coming so I hid from him. Earlier we had been talking quite a bit about hunting various members of the group, so my mind clicked into that mode of him stalking me and me needing to stay hidden. He must have heard me moving around and noticed he couldn't see me and quickly actually was stalking me. This went on for what seemed a long time but eventually he narrowed in on me and got to be about 8 feet from me before I jumped out and yelled. It was a pretty satisfying experience and sated my craving for some sort of primal activity.

C asked how I had managed to get so far into the woods and then went down to the creek. I had actually made it maybe 2/3 of the way down but when he passed by me I saw how difficult all the terrain was around us and figured it wasn't worth going all the way down. After I watched him find the creek I started back up the hill, in the dark because I found it was easier to move when I couldn't see the obstacles I was having to climb over. Eventually I made it back to camp and found I had been gone for about an hour. We were on the tail end of the trip by then and spent the rest of the time hanging around the fire and cooking more hotdogs.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22762
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 11, 2023Views: 381
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Cannabis (1), Chocolate (182), Mushrooms (39) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), Relationships (44), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), General (1)

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