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Overdose and Near-Death Experience
Citation:   Elise. "Overdose and Near-Death Experience: An Experience with GHB (exp2299)". Sep 24, 2001.

8 oz oral GHB (liquid)
Yeah, so, a friend drank more than 8 ounces of GHB, OD'd, and almost died. I'm going to leave out the details. Sunday morning, someone came up to me at the Party Smart booth and asked me to help out their friend who had been passed out for about a half hour. I went over there and it was my Zack. He was just passed out at first so I sat there with him for about twenty minutes or so. Then he got really bad. He fell unconscious. Then he started puking up blood and stomach lining. He started to convulse and stuff. It was so horrible. He stopped breathing. For a while, we couldn't find a heartbeat. We tried to keep him alive at the party for about two hours. It was horrible. All the fucking 'EMTs' were on drugs and didn't know what the fuck they were doing. We had to take him to the hospital. We didn't want to at all because we knew if we took him, he would end up at rehab or the D home. But we didn't have a choice.

I spent six hours at the hospital. The doctors told me to not be surprised if he died. When they finally got him stable, I went to go see him. He still wasn't conscious. They didn't think he would live. They said if he did, he could have serious brain damage, maybe even be a vegetable because of the lack of oxygen to his brain and asphyxiation. But anyway, twelve hours later, he finally became conscious. The doctors couldn't believe it. But he would stop breathing a lot and go into arrest. He finally began to breathe on his own, so they took the tube out of his throat. Then the cops came. The doctors said they would need to keep him there because he wasn't fully recovered and he was developing pneumonia but the cops persuaded them to release him into their custody. He could barely walk or stand up and they cuffed him and took him away.

The main reason I got involved with DanceSafe was so if someone was in a situation like this, I would know what to do. Thank god I got involved. Seriously, if I wasn't there, there were only two other people there who knew what they were doing. All three of us kept him alive. Afterwards, we all talked about it and we all agreed that we would not have known what to do if it weren't for DanceSafe . . .


Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2299
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 24, 2001Views: 21,776
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GHB (25) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Second Hand Report (42), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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