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A Definite No
by Drea
Citation:   Drea. "A Definite No: An Experience with Paroxetine (exp23149)". Feb 21, 2006.

20 mg insufflated Pharms - Paroxetine (ground / crushed)
One day while very very desperate to 'get high'. I decided to go through my moms medicine cabinet. All she had was flexeril and paxil. Flexeril is a muscle relaxant, and I've taken them before, and it did absolutely nothing, pretty much the same goes for paxil.

I decided I would try and snort it, and maybe I would get some effects. BAD IDEA. I have snorted quite a few different things...ranging from speed and morphine, to vicodin and codeine. Anyhow, after snorting the paxil pill (approx. 2 lines) my whole side of my head started throbbing with a pain I have never felt before in my life. My eyes started tearing and turned all red, it looked like I had been crying for an hour. I lay on my bed holding my head for a good 15-20 minutes until the pain subsided. It did not do a single thing except cause extreme pain and my eyes seemed to be a bit more dilated than before. I would not recommend paxil to anyone looking to get high, because it did not work, and was EXTREMELY painful to snort.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23149
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 21, 2006Views: 20,869
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Pharms - Paroxetine (148) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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