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Mild Relaxant, Calms Nerves
Poppies (California Poppy)
Citation:   pyroman. "Mild Relaxant, Calms Nerves: An Experience with Poppies (California Poppy) (exp23171)". Jun 11, 2003.

0.3 flowers oral Poppies - Opium (fresh)
I didn't see any reports on California Poppy on erowid and couldn't find much of anything on the net so I decided to try it and find out. After seeing a picture of it online, I went out side and realize this stuff grows everywhere in central California!! It's even a popular flower for planter boxes! Anxious to try it, I decided to start slow and eat a small part of one of the lilies. I didn't think such a small dosage would do anything but to my surprise within 20 minutes I was very relaxed. The buzz is mild and feels like a combination of an opiate and kava kava. When I go out and do my normal business I can tell more that it gives me low anxiety, calms nerves and generally makes me care free.

Overall this is a great buzz for feeling relaxed and care free but don't expect a 'high'. It produces stronger relaxation then lettuce opium and is on about the same level as kava kava. I could see this intensifing an opiate buzz (mixing it with hydrocondone, codeine ex....).

I haven't tried smoking it but I could definitely see it producing better effects from smoking rather than oral. If you want to relax go for it but don't get too excited about it.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23171
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2003Views: 24,480
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Poppies - Opium (43) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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