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Peaceful Easy Feeling
Hydrocodone, Carisoprol & Various
Citation:   Nunofyourdamnbeezwax. "Peaceful Easy Feeling: An Experience with Hydrocodone, Carisoprol & Various (exp23192)". Oct 3, 2007.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral Pharms - Meclizine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:20 15 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:20 350 mg oral Pharms - Carisoprodol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:20 1.0 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:50 5.0 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:50 175 mg oral Pharms - Carisoprodol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:50 1 tablet oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:20 5.0 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:20 87.5 mg oral Pharms - Carisoprodol (pill / tablet)
This was my first experience with Hydrocodone and did quite a bit of research before hand. I remember having a particularly bad experience with Codeine in the past and wanted to avoid the vomiting and accompanying sickness. I have been planning this for over a week I went to various sites including to learn about opiates and the various additional drugs that could help as well as those that could hinder. I was in a very good headspace yet slightly anxious state about the hydrocodone.

T -1:30 I ate a light lunch.

T -1:00 I took a Tavist (for the itchies) and a Tagamet (supposedly increases your high)

T -0:20 I took a Bonine (Meclizine) for potential nausea. Even with all of my preparations I was still nervous about my experience.

T :00 I took 1 ½ Norco (15mg hydrocodone), 1 Soma (350mg Carispoprodol) and ½ a Xanax (1mg Alprazolam). I broke all of the pills into very small pieces thinking that I would absorb them better.

T +0:20 Slight buzz coming on- a little “floaty” but also groggy. I make myself a glass of iced tea.

T +0:25 Limbs feel heavy. Head is a foggy.

T +0:30 A little dizzy but no real “high”

T +0:45 A sudden warm flush. I feel very dreamy but this is in no way intense. In fact quite the opposite.

T +1:00 Peaceful, dreamy feeling. Hard to walk a straight line.

T +1:30 I decide to take another ½ Norco (5mg) and ½ Soma (175mg Carispoprodol)

T +1:45 VERY hard to walk a straight line- like being drunk without the stupidity or numbness that often accompanies intoxication. Feeling peaceful and content. Very relaxed.

T +2:00 Feelings of comfort continue. Made more iced tea. I have desire to move around now. I plan on doing the cold water extraction method next time so that I can feel free to take more of the hydrocodone without having to worry about the effects of the APAP on my body.

T +2:10 Finding it difficult to read because my eyes keep “skipping” around the page.

T +2:20 I took some Alka-Seltzer to settle my stomach (a little queasy) and a Benedryl to help with the itching. I’ve got a peaceful easy feeling otherwise (yes, plagiarism!). It begins raining and it is just so beautiful! The sight sound and smell is amazing.

T +2:50 I spend 30 minutes dusting my apartment. Don’t know why but I am really enjoying it and when it turns into a chore I stop. Feels like it’s getting hot in here but I know it’s just because I am constantly moving. I’m still not as “high” as I thought I would be.

T +3:00 I don’t want the feeling to end. This time I chew another ½ Norco (5mg) and ½ Soma. Not as bitter or as bad as I might have thought. No wonder people become addicted! I wish I could feel this at ease all the time.

T +3:20 *SO* very sleepy. Still drinking the tea hoping the caffeine will keep me awake. Having a hard time concentrating on anything. My vision/focus to be twitching.
I keep thinking that some pot would be fabulous with this. Don’t really smoke it any longer because it would tend to make me paranoid, but I feel like it would be different with the hydrocodone. I would like to do more but I will wait and try out the extraction method first.

Channel surfing. Nothing is holding my attention for very long. Although I definitely have an altered consciousness, I don’t necessarily feel “high.” Thought processes are a little murkier than usual and I have that “just about to drift off to sleep” feeling.
Physically the stomach queasiness is gone. Extremities (feet, hands, cheeks) kind of tingly and a little numb. Body is extremely relaxed. Jello. Feels like I just got the most awesome massage or just got out of a hot tub.

T +4:00 Seem to be coming down now but it is gradual. Not at all a “crash.” Starting to get kind of “noddy.”

T +4:00 to 4:30 I allow myself to doze off, but it’s not really a nap or sleep. I am still very much aware of what I am hearing and processing it. Radio is on and I am aware of every song. Never really loose consciousness. I wake and decide to put some food in my stomach.

T +9:00 I sit here transcribing my scribbles on paper onto the computer. No real hang over but everything is still a little dreamy. Will be going to bed soon.
Overall a very pleasant experience but not something that I am interested in doing very often, I could get WAY to accustomed to it! Next time I will up my initial dose and use the cold water extraction method to take out all that nasty APAP.
To sum up the experience up in one word . . . .PEACE.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23192
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 3, 2007Views: 20,622
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Hydrocodone (111), Pharms - Carisoprodol (186), Opiates (207), Opioids (407) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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