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The Ups and Downs of My First Time
Citation:   Tanya. "The Ups and Downs of My First Time: An Experience with GHB (exp23338)". Aug 3, 2017.

T+ 0:00
2 caps oral GHB (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 1 cap oral GHB (liquid)
It could have ended really bad but it turned to be one of the best drug experiences I've had.

A few weeks ago at a club I was offered to try GHB for the first time. My friend who gave me the bottle recomended I'd start with 1-2 caps before I go further. After briefly talking to him about the risks and side effects I decided to dive in and try it.

I felt very safe that night with all my friends around me so I was 100% sure if anything happens, I can rely on them. Later that night it proved to be right. I went outside the club and got myself a bottle of water, I was warned about the awful taste but I didn't expect it to be so disgusting.
After swallowing my 2 caps and nearly choking, I came back to the club. For about 2 hours I could still feel my throat burning from the awful taste.

Half an hour after taking the G, I started feeling very comfortable with the surroundings and a slight feeling of euphoria begun. Every silly thing around seemed to be the funniest. My friends described me that night as the most talkative and self-confident I've been in a long time (I'm going through a very difficult and depressing period in my life right now). The thing I enjoyed the most was the music, I was dancing without stopping all the time and jumping around.

About an an hour later, I felt secure enough to try and take another cap without consulting my friend. Half an hour later I was still dancing and laughing without being able to stop, all that time I kept swallowing huge amounts of water to make the taste that was still burning my throat go away. Then, I started to feel very very dizzy. I decided to sit down, my friends who saw me that moment told me I looked like I was in a coma. It lasted for about 20 minutes in which my friends kept talking to me, I can't remember much but I remember I was talking back with them and laughing from their jokes. Then I felt I was about to throw up, I couldn't get up from the sofa and I wasn't able to tell my friends about how I felt because I was busy laughing from their jokes. And so I found myself throwing up, I had convulsions and I felt a very bad stomach ache. My friends who sat in front of me didn't realise I was throwing up because I was laughing all that time. At some point a friend noticed and dragged me out of the club, after a short and very dizzy walk we sat down outside the club. I started feeling the effects of the G even stronger and within a few minutes I was back on my feet dancing and laughing like nothing happened. Throwing up really made me feel a lot better and made the high even stronger.
I went back into the club and kept dancing for 2 hours without a stop.

When the party was over I left with my friends to get an early breakfast. I was still in a very euphoric mood when I got back home I slept for 8 hours and woke up in a wonderful and energetic mood so I decided to invite a friend over in the afternoon, I turned the music on and we danced for 2 hours, I was still very excited and after a long period of depression, for one day I felt good with myself.

It was indeed a wonderful experience but next time I'll stay with only 2 caps.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23338
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 3, 2017Views: 11,750
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GHB (25) : First Times (2), Club / Bar (25)

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