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You Name It, I Took It
Tramadol & Opiates
Citation:   wennysue. "You Name It, I Took It: An Experience with Tramadol & Opiates (exp23443)". Feb 23, 2006.

from ultram to darvocet to vicodin to heroin...

Ok, here's the deal. I fell and hurt my back in 1996. I went to the doctor and they prescribed a medicine called ultram, that, back then was considered a safe, non-narcotic painkiller. Needless to say, as I was experimenting with the dosage, trying to make the agonizing pain in my back go away, I was up to taking 500mg 5-6 times a day. They come in 50mg tablets. My script of 120 pills would be gone in 2-3 days. I went through bad withdrawal when I didn't have them, so I began buying anything on the street that was an opiate...from darvocet tolortab, to tylenol #3 to heroin. You name it, I took it.

As it turns out, I ended up in rehab for IV heroin and crack use. I relapse all the time.....this is just a very short but very true story, about my experience with the 'safe, non-narcotic pain pill' called ultram. Please, let my screw-ups help to better inform you on the progression of opiate use. Even if your doctor prescribes you the shit, be careful.......

Exp Year: 1996ExpID: 23443
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 23, 2006Views: 5,402
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Opiates (207), Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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