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Sooo Lazy
Morning Glory
by Derk
Citation:   Derk. "Sooo Lazy: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp23470)". May 18, 2018.

T+ 0:00
200 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  T+ 0:20   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I have been very interested in Morning Glories for quite some time, so last night we found a nice house of my friend to try them out, 'P' and I were doing them, my two other friends were just smoking marijuana. We picked up 6 packs each and we each had about 200 in total (seeds). He was going to do the water extraction and I was simply going to eat them, I don't really mind puking so it was alright. I mixed mine in with yogourt and ate them at 9 PM, P drank the solution from the water extract at 10:15 PM.

9 - I dose, eat it with yogourt, tastes just fine to me.

9 10 - Feeling nausea, and a slight head rush, need to sit down.

9 20 - Throw up twice, with a bit fo dry heaving, meh not so bad. Smoke a fat joint with friends.

9 30 - Start feeling a nice buzz, lay down on my friends bed and play with a crystal ball type thing.

9 50 - Throw up 5 times, not bad either, a bit more dry heaving. At least I'm done the puking.

10 30 - This is when the fun starts, I lay down on the bed again and close my eyes, it feels like I'm floating in mid-air, I start a small trip into space, I feel out of-body, I'm flying through the stars, I suddenly get sucked back into my body..very interesting.

10 45-11 45 - Very nice, lazy buzz, laying on the bed talking about life and playing with my crystal ball, listening to King Crimson 'Starless'.

12 - Another nice little trip, this time I fly right past Jupiter, this one was shorter though, quicker. I start melting into the bed, very cool. This is a very, chilled lazy high, something nice to just groove on.

12-1 - Watching a bit of TV with friends, chilling and talking, I have short bursts of energy now and again, and short bursts of extreme laziness.

1-3 - Coming down, very lazy and burnt out, just lay on the couch and enjoy the textures.

Overall it was a lot of fun, next time I will try about 300 seeds with the water extraction, I did not see any real visuals, a few small things here and there but really nothing, it was all in my mind. Very fun and lazy, very cool stuff.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23470
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 18, 2018Views: 824
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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