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Riding that train
Citation:   Murple. "Riding that train: An Experience with Cocaine (exp2359)". Nov 20, 2000.

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6 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  2 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
This was far from my first time using cocaine... I'd had it perhaps 2 dozen times since 1990... but this time I decided to try and document the effects as they occured.

Nov. 23, 1997

I just cut out two medium-to-small sized lines of cocaine. I've
already had about 6 or 7 lines over the past 3 hours or so, the last
being a little over an hour ago. I smoked a bowl of pot about 45 minutes
ago, but its effects are pretty much unnoticeable, except maybe a slight
reduction in the edginess of the cocaine effects. I'm definately still
feeling the effects, although I'm in the come-down stage at present. The
next 2 lines should give me a pretty typical high-dose cocaine experience.
At present, I feel contradictorally wired and tired. I feel as if I could
fall asleep if I wanted, although from experience I know I couldn't yet. I
feel a warm fuzzy feeling all over my body, similar to the feeling of the
second wind you get when you stay up all night, but there is also a mild
feeling of stimulant tension. Euphoria has definately long since passed.
Cocaine makes me dehydrated, and this manifests itself primarily in the
feeling of dry mouth. I will frequently suck on my cheeks, trying to
salivate, I guess. It's not really a conscious thing. Its a bad thing,
actually, as it makes the dry mouth worse, and sometimes will leave my
mouth feeling uncomfortable the next day. I'm going to finish my
cigarette, then do these lines.

I snort the lines, and immediately feel both euphoria, and a
passing urge to get the rest of my coke out and do more. I get the urge to
smoke a cigarette, so I do. The high intensifies for a minute or two then
levels. I'm mildly euphoric, but very stimulated. Its a distinct
stimulation, more like amphetamines than caffeine. But definately
different. There is a mild anesthetic property, mainly concentrated in my
mouth and nose, and a generalized tingly, warm sensation. I notice myself
typing alot harder, but pausing more between sentences. The urge to smoke
my cigarette is overwhelming. There is a warm feeling along my spine.
Mentally, I feel both calm and stimulated, somewhat paradoxically. If
there were people here, I'd be talkative.

I am feeling a barely perceptible decrease in the high, and decide
to stop typing for a little bit to enjoy it, probably with another
cigarette. The urge to do more coke occasionally pops into my mind but
then leaves just as quickly.

I went and smoked a cigarette, and alternated (quite frequently)
between walking around my room smoking it, sitting on the edge of my bed,
and putting down the cigarette to lay down and close my eyes. Laying down,
I felt very calm, and as if my body were floating. The peak wore off
gradually, and not evenly. I would alternate between feeling come-down
effects and peak effects, with the come-down periods becoming longer and
more frequent.

The euphoria is mostly gone now, and the thoughts of doing more
coke are a little more frequent and longer, but are nowhere near
irresistable. Simply being aware of the craving seems to make it go away.
I took a multivitamin just now, which I always do before bed anytime I do
any drugs outside of my usual ones (pot, tobacco, and caffeine). It
generally reduces day-after fatigue. The stimulation is still quite
strong, and more amphetamine-like, although it is beginning to fade into
the post-peak mellowness of cocaine. I am almost back to the point I was
when I began writing this.

Physically, the dry-mouth has become more noticable again. My
lungs feel sort of grimy from smoking too many cigarettes (cocaine tends
to make me chain smoke), and my nasal passages feel somewhat clogged and
sore from doing coke all night. I snorted a few drops of warm water to
help clear out my nose, which helped significantly. I can still
occasionally taste cocaine in the back of my throat if I snort or breath
deeply through my nose.

I'm basically back to where I was at the beginning now. I feel
calm and quiet. I don't really feel bad, although there have been times
when I've felt quite depressed and physically worn when I've done alot of
cocaine in a short time. I feel physically worn out, and mentally a little
tired, but its definately not a bad thing - basically like being
overtired, despite the fact that I know I could not fall asleep right now.
I've probably done about 1/2 gram over the course of about 4 hours, which
although is alot, is nowhere near the most I've done; that would probably
be about 1.5 grams over 2 or 3 hours. Aside from the two lines I did while
writing this, I used the cocaine in a social setting tonight, with a girl
and a guy I'm friends with. Its when doing it alone that I'll sit there
and do line after line until it's gone or I just can't take anymore.

I plan on smoking a small bowl of pot to relax, and write a little
more. I'm going to take a 3mg melatonin tablet and probably a shot of
tequila before I go to bed, to counteract the stimulant effect that would
keep me from sleeping. I'll still probably be unable to sleep for about an
hour, perhaps more, but it will definately help, though it will probably
make me groggier tomorrow.

Overall, it was an enjoyable experience, but not outstandingly so.
Cocaine simply isn't my drug of choice. I'm glad I did it, but it'll
probably be a while before I do it again.

I take my melatonin, and take a hit off my bowl. This experiment
is at an end.

Exp Year: 1997ExpID: 2359
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 20, 2000Views: 231,952
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Cocaine (13) : General (1), Alone (16)

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