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Conversations with God and Satan
Citation:   Lpkiss. "Conversations with God and Satan: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp23649)". Jul 14, 2006.

3.0 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
I had just recently received some foxy in the mail and I was eager to try it again. A couple weeks back I had eaten 10mg and had a pleasant trip. Nothing to hardcore mostly just a energy buzz and body load with mild closed eye visuals. So I though this time I might try a bit more, but as I was talking to one of my friends we had noticed that there wasn't much info about snorting foxy other then the burn is intense and that its good for a booster hit. So I took out a pinch of foxy and laid it out on the desk in front of me.

Before I did any I first went downstairs to get some items. 1 glass of orange juice, 1 glass of water, and a bowl of popcorn. They would come in extremely handy later on. Once I had all my items I made my way back upstairs, put on Thievery Corporation - Richest Man In Babylon cd to help with a calm trip. Then I did the deed.

All I can say about the burn was that it was extremely painful. The burn unlike ketamine doesn't happen as soon as you snort it. With foxy the pain slowly creeps up and by the time the pain is peaking it's extremely painful. This lasted about One or two minutes and then the drips started. The drips at first were not too bad, but eventually there was so much that I either had to spit out the drips or risk choking, or at least that's what it felt like. I probably spit out some of the foxy as I could taste it in the spit but I didn't really care. The taste was horrible and the burn slowly moved from my nose to the back of my throat. Needless to say it was not pleasant. After 4 pieces of menthol gum and the glass of OJ the taste was just a memory.

I don't really feel anything except for a mild headache, which was brought on by snorting the foxy.

I feel a little bit of body load coming on but the taste is returning to back of my throat.

The taste is unbearable and I begin to vomit. Normally I don't vomit but I think it's because I had just eaten dinner a couple hours before.

At this point I begin to feel body load but nothing I would really consider extremely high. I can begin to feel my head spin so I decide it's time to lay down in bed. Smartest decision I ever made.

I can see the stars I had on my ceiling (the glow in the dark ones) begin to move and dance around, all the while changing colours. From green, to yellow, to orange, to blue, to pink, to red, and then start over. I look at the clock and it seems as if time has stopped. By this point I am extremely hungry so I eat the chips I had set aside.

The foxy has kicked in. I know people had said that foxy was a hallucinogenic drug but when I had eaten 10mg of it before I hadn't really experienced any hallucinations. Everything was different. I have done LSD a couple of time and needless to say this was better. The walls were bending around me, and the music seemed to carry me off to another place.

The Egyptian/Indian type song comes up on the cd (song 3 I believe now that I check) and all I can remember is that I thought I was a slave rowing on a Egyptian boat. Then I started being whipped to go faster so I started a revolt and freed everyone on the ship. We then sailed to shore, got off the boat and celebrated that night. During the party (or what seemed to be a party to me), I felt like I was flying, and the high higher I went the brighter it got. Then all of a sudden all I heard was a booming voice saying 'Thank you my son, for this you shall be rewarded'. I remember asking if he was God, but he didn't answer and I felt like he had abandoned me.

Which is how I kinda feel in real life, but that’s another story. So after I finally opened my eyes I think to myself that there is a God out there, but what is he going to do for me. Just after I said that I saw a burst of red explode in my room and suddenly I was extremely hot (I'm guessing because I had pulled the quilt up over my head and body) and suddenly I heard a cackling laugh and horseshoes clicking. And there he was, the devil. I went from talking to God, to talking to the devil. He was offering me all kinds of things. Fame, fortune, eternal life, all if I agreed to do something for him. He was very persistent but I managed to say no. To which he got extremely angry and burned me with his prongs. At this point I was dripping wet with sweat so I threw the quilt of my bed and chugged the glass of water I had set aside.

I lay in bed contemplating what had happened to me. I know the vision was 'fake' but what if these types of drugs really do let me expand my knowledge of the universe. I have never had an experience as mind blowing as this. As I lay there though everything around me seems to me morphing, bending, waving, or surging with colour. It's extremly hard not to look at everything and try to focus on sleeping. But my 6:30am I managed to fall asleep (6:30am being the last time I remember looking at the clock).

It's now 2:15pm the next afternoon and I feel a little weird still. I still have a mild headache, but luckily the nasty taste is totally gone. All in all I would have to say I won't be doing foxy any time soon. The trip awoke many spiritual questions in me, and I need time to reflect on them.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23649
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2006Views: 8,225
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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