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Egoless Bliss
2C-I & DPT
Citation:   Feign. "Egoless Bliss: An Experience with 2C-I & DPT (exp23673)". May 12, 2003.

T+ 0:00
26 mg oral 2C-I (capsule)
  T+ 2:00 40 mg smoked DPT (freebase)
When am I going to learn? When am I going to learn that it is not, not, NOT a good idea to eat a full meal only two hours before taking psychedelics drugs? I guess maybe I wasn't thinking…

After acting in a play at my school, I went out with my girlfriend and another friend of mine to eat dinner. We weren't sure if we all wanted to go to a party in town, or just go home afterwards, and after a few phone calls the party idea fell through. So, there I was, going home at 12:30 on a Saturday night. That's probably when the idea struck me to trip. I had recently acquired some DPT freebase, but I wanted something with a little bit longer duration. Not having taken any 2C-I in a while, I decided on trying it out again. Of course, the DPT idea was still in my head, so I thought it would be interesting to try smoking 40mg of it during the peak of my 2C-I trip. By 1:00 in the morning I had weighed out 26mg of 2C-I, which I took in a gel cap, and 40mg of DPT which I placed in my smoking apparatus and set aside until I needed it.

Keeping in mind that I had eaten a full dinner at 11:00, only two hours before ingesting the 2C-I, it won't be surprising to hear that the onset of the drug didn't even start to begin until almost two hours after I had taken it. By 3:00, though, I had gotten somewhat tired and decided that if I waited any longer to smoke the DPT it would be too late, so, even though I was still just coming up on the 2C-I, I retired to my room.

Now, this is where it gets interesting, because this is where it turns into the most intense psychedelic experience of my life. I inhaled the 40mg dose in two tokes, the second one I simply couldn't hold very long because it irritated my throat quite a bit, but that didn't make a bit of difference. I had stood up immediately after the second hit to walk over to my stereo and turn it on, and by the time I turned around, my room had warped itself into an unrecognizable swirl of visuals. If ever there were a time that 'psychedelic soup' described what someone was seeing, this was it. The patterning was so detailed that even the finger-print ridges on the tips of my fingers were swirling into little miniature fractals. I was floored, to say the least. It took quite a bit of will-power, but I managed to go and turn off my light, and which point my vision was filled with the brightest, most intense visions I have ever seen. I hadn't even managed to make myself sit down yet, and I honestly don't believe that 'I' existed during this five or ten minute period of time. There were no thoughts, there was no sense that I was simply standing in the middle of my room, there was only an intensely colorful kaleidoscopic vision unfolding before 'me'.

That completely ego-less state went on for several more minutes, and I was certainly under the influence of the DPT for another hour or so, but not nearly at that intensity. So, at around 4:30 in the morning, after being completely hammered by the DPT, I climbed in my bed to lie down and try to rest a little. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Five-thirty came and went. Six-thirty came and went, too. And there I was, lying in my bed trying to fall asleep, but still high as a kite from the 2C-I I took. 'But that can't be,' I thought to myself, 'It's almost 6 hours since I took it…I've never been this affected by 2C-I this long after ingesting it.' And then it struck me. The full stomach must have delayed the onset so much that it may as well have been like I took the 2C-I at 3:00 in the morning. I didn't stop tripping and fall asleep until 9:00, which was really just more of an annoyance than anything. However, all this time lying in bed with a nice 2C-I buzz did give me a chance to sit and philosophize, which is something that I had absolutely no way of doing under the influence of the DPT.

It wasn't a bad experience, by any stretch of the imagination, but at the same time I'm not sure how willing I would be to repeat it. It might be nice to try again with an empty stomach, and to actually smoke the DPT at the peak of the 2C-I experience, and it would certainly be nice to do it earlier in the evening. I think that if these conditions could be met, then it would probably be worth trying this little cocktail again. If you could buy this in a bar as a mixed drink, I think its name would have to be Ego-Destroyer with an Insightful, Contemplative Twist.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23673
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 12, 2003Views: 16,668
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DPT (21), 2C-I (172) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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