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They're All Dead
AMT & Cannabis
by Kyle
Citation:   Kyle. "They're All Dead: An Experience with AMT & Cannabis (exp23797)". Oct 4, 2007.

1 hit   AMT  
  2 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Me and my friends had a half and some AMT. We went down to my room, which was the basement. Briefly, the basement was: when you get to the end of the poster filled staircase, there is a carpet. To the left of you a home entertainment center, to the right of you a wall, and to the front of you a couch and a la-z-boy. There was a pool table beyond the home entertainment center, and posters all over. There was also a second basement, which was more typical concrete creepy-ish.

We took the AMT at 7:55 and I rolled up two blunts, roughly an eigth ounce in each one, and started to blaze. As soon as we were done with the two, I started playing some video games while sitting in my La-Z-Boy. Then I started feeling it at around 8:30.

I decided to go outside, for at the time I was in my basement and I thought it slightly uncomfortable when dealing with the onset. I found this slightly like E, and when outside, I lost all control of reality. I would feel and percieve things in this earth, but there were some things that just could not have been real. I started seeing red and blue vision, yet the red and blue were moving across what was now what I called 'screen vision', because my vision was squared off. The red and blue were like sheets of silk, for I could see through them, but they clouded everything. They moved swiftly and interchangeably. It was quite great.

It was getting dark, so my and my friends decided to get a couple jars and get as many fire-flies and lightning-bugs as we could. Once we got them, we packed bowls with the roaches of the two blunts and blew smoke in the jars to knock em out. Once they were done, we put them on the table and ripped them open with one stick. We had the blood of several fire-flies and lightning bugs on the stick. It was glowing green with tints of red.

I decided to take a walk. We took a long walk around town, where I lost all control of time. When I got down to the end of my road, I could see a car come at me and transpire through me. I asked my friends about it, and they said it went around us. I decided to go home immediately.

Once we got back we went down into the basement and we all felt this sudden rush of energy. For about three hours we ran around the room doing all sorts of things. We had a video fight with my vast video collection, where at least 200 video's got thrown around. During this entire time, I kept feeling like there was at least 20 people upstairs discussing what was happening right now. This scared me immensely, and therefor it slowed me down from the rest of the group, until we decided to put the la-z-boy on the pool table upside-down and fishbowl it. We smoked roughly an eigth in bowls. By the time we got out of it, it was an hour later. We spent an hour under a la-z-boy, on top of a pool table.

When we got out, we all sat down on the couch and watched some movies while smoking more. After the third movie, I asked what time it was, and my friend Eskimo picked up the digital clock/radio. It was flashing 666. We turned it on and then a boy started screaming 'Death, death is good'. We turned the channel and it was a news report '18 people dead in the horrible massacre'. We immediately changed the channel and it said 'Your flesh is mine to keep'. We turned it one last time and it was a man, saying 'Why dont you go play with your friends?' then a young boy answered 'They're all dead'. the last part echoed for about 2 minutes until we started screaming and we ran upstairs. This is where I completely forget every event after this. I remember coming down at around 8:00 the next morning, and Eskimo was gone.

This was one of the many experiences I had with AMT. After the AMT trips were done and our dealer was out of it, I had to move upstairs due to the high uncleanliness of my room. The basement is now being renovated after a long period of cleaning, and the ceiling (which was punched out and painted on sometime during this experience) is being re-done.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 23797
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 4, 2007Views: 6,369
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AMT (7) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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