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Mixed Reaction
Citation:   bengt. "Mixed Reaction: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp23820)". Dec 1, 2004.

2.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I'm finishing up my senior year in high school and recently came across 2g of dried shrooms. My previous drug experience includes marijuana, morning glory, dramamine, low doses of ketamine, low doses of LSD and very low doses of datura. I have only heard good things about shrooms and have always wanted to experience them, but have never had a good chance. After having them sit in my room for a week, I decided that I didnt want to let the opportunity pass me up again. The plan was to eat the shrooms, go with my sitter (Ryan) to pick up his girlfriend (Lisa) from work, and head to a party.

7:00pm - Ingested 2g. dried mushrooms along with some Taco Bell. They tasted like stale sunflower seeds. Sat in Taco Bell for about an hour, talking and putting myself in a good mindset with Ryan.

8:15pm - Arrive at my house to wait for Lisa to get off work. Definetly noticing a change in perspective, like a marijuana high with a clearer head. I put on some 'Aphex Twin' and 'Plastikman' while watching a Winamp visualization.

9:00pm - Ryan informs me we should go pick up Lisa. As we walked to the car, I noticed patterns emerging from the sidewalk. I was definetly feeling a change in body perspective, but I still had a relatively 'clear' head. When we stepped foot in the mall, the trip fully kicked in. I noticed sounds and reverberations I normally would never notice, and had difficulty walking normal. My head felt a little fuzzy, and I could definetly recognize that I was tripping at this point.

9:20pm - We arrive at Lisa's house and wait for her to change clothes. I would say this is around when I started to peak...

Visual: warping, bending, swirling... very similar to a 'fun-house' mirror... macropsia, micropsia, and changes in color. Ryan and Lisa's bodies both appeared very disturbing, constantly changing form... from this I refused to look in a mirror, positive that I wouldn't enjoy what I would see. We were watching a basketball game, and the players/fans bodies were constantly unproportionate not only to each other but everything else on the screen.

Auditory: this was probably the most interesting part of the experience. The only way I can describe it is 'trails' coming off of sounds. Words would repeat more than once, sentences were choppy, and there was a strange echo and reverberation off every word spoken. Background noises also seemed to 'warp' and 'twist'.

Tactile: anything that I would hold in my hands (i.e. a picture, a coke can) would feel like it was slithering and warping.

Mental: able to carry on in conversation, my sense of observation didn't seem impaired... but I felt like I was strictly an observer, and not even a human being at this point. I can only explain it as what I would assume the term 'ego-loss' refers to. I tried to recognize myself as the same person I am in reality, but it was impossible. I had no grasp of myself how I am normally. I could tell you my name, and other basic information, but nothing that makes me 'me'. I couldn't even fathom the fact that I was a human. I couldn't understand what my body was or what anything was, it was just there and I was only observing it. This didn't bother me, I was very comfortable with it.

10:45pm - We leave Lisa's and arrive at the party. The drive there was extremely interesting, like a roller coaster ride of blurring lights and sounds. On an interesting note... for most of the trip but especially while I was walking up to the house, I didnt feel a connection with nature... I felt more interested in synthetic things such as the car ride and houses rather than walking and trees. I was definetly beginning to come down at this point. The hallucinations were mainly over, but I was still experiencing the mental/body high. When I got inside the party, the experience began to turn bad. I felt depressed that I was coming down, and just wanted to go home. I was also experiencing extremely unpleasant stomach cramps, and I was ready for the experience to end. One of my friends took me outside and talked to me though, and I realized that I was the one making myself upset... After I talked with a few people (btw I was much more social than I am normally) I started to have a good time and enjoyed myself for the rest of the night as I came down.

Overall, it was a very good experience to learn from. I enjoyed it for the most part, but also was disappointed that I didn't get as much from the experience as I had hoped. I also found it odd that I was more attracted to artificial things than natural. The dose I took was very relaxing and introspective. I think I could have handled this experience by myself, and I think it would have been much more interesting that way. While I was coming down I realized that there was so much I wish I could have done (watched certain movies, listened to music, closed my eyes and thought, etc.) but it was good to get a feel for the experience. I will definetly try mushrooms again, but most likely in a less social enviornment.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23820
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 1, 2004Views: 9,087
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Mushrooms (39) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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