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Cannabis & Various
by B
Citation:   B. "Paraniod: An Experience with Cannabis & Various (exp23837)". Apr 4, 2007.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I'm one of those people who dislike the feeling of being stoned by weed. For all you pot lovers out there- I'm jealous. My best friends loved the stuff. It made me feel so paranoid and insecure that I dreaded smoking it. Maybe I'm so sensitive to the chemicals in my body that I can't take a large dose. Whatever it is, I get so paranoid that I dread the feeling of being stoned.

It's a funny thing really. I can do a lot of coke and E. These two drugs are my favorite and keep me happy while i'm on them. However, LSD, Oxycontin, Pot, and shroomz are too much for me. My It was a little hard to hang with my friends cause they liked a lot of that shit. Wasn't until we all started doing coke and E that I really had a good time with them.

Different people have different reactions I guess. Find what's right for you, and be careful with it.


Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23837
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 4, 2007Views: 1,274
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