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Huge Differences
4-Acetoxy-DiPT & 5-MeO-DMT
Citation:   inselstaat. "Huge Differences: An Experience with 4-Acetoxy-DiPT & 5-MeO-DMT (exp23859)". Oct 12, 2003.

14 mg oral 4-AcO-DiPT
    smoked 5-MeO-DMT
I don't like the chronological thing, so i will give some general remarks.

A friend recounted this story to me. She took approx. 14mg of 4-acetoxy-dipt orally with having eaten a little (2mg margin of error, so 12-16mg). It took her around 45min-1hr to come on. The dose was too low. There were no visuals, a light body feeling, and some mental effects (clarity of perception and thought, pschyedelic reflection, etc). It was nice she said. Then she smoked between 10 and 14mg of 5-meo-dmt. The 4-ace was gentle and nice, whereas the 5meo is a quite violent comeon and experience. Normally she loves this, but it put her in a strange mood. Given there was a large crowd of confused, alien, and annoying people doing lame things in close proximity, and emotional turmoil near her, but the physical experience was a little shaky. She gave the impression that 4ace needs a more gentle drug to syngerize. She woulnd't recommend any smoked tryptamine, but perhaps a phenethylamine like 2cb or an MDMA type drug, but that is yet to be tried.

At another time, she took 20mg (same margin of error) of 4-acetoxy-dipt. First, she came on quick, 20 minutes or less. This was on a relatively empty stomach. Secondly, She and two other friends experienced fairly bad stomach pains and near nauseau (she was told it was less than foxy, but still quite painful). She said and another agreed she would not pursue this again because of the pains. Third, it was very visual. One individual who rarely if ever experiences visuals reported them. She said it was much more visual the mushrooms or LSD. Fourth, it lasted 12hrs! That is, the peak was maybe 8hrs. 2hrs of pain, 4-6hrs of intense visuals and a high, and then 4hrs of sleeplessness comedown. I have heard at least 4 others report this. Finally, she had a massive cathartic emotional and psychological experience. As a disclaimer, this often happens to her nearly every time she consumes psychedelics. She receives clarity about her life, friends, loves, and the world. They are not recreational for her. Nor is she a spiritual person, in fact she is anti-spiritual and considers psychedelics a way of analyzing and exploring her mental life.

Anyway in summary: contrary to reports, 20mg of 4acetoxy-dipt had in at least 4 individuals:
1. 12hrs of experience
2. heavy and painful body load
3. visuals

The visuals by the way were standard tryptamine variety, which she is bored with now (she isn't one for visuals anyway). hope this helps. Due to the huge differences between this reports and others, either this isn't 4ace or there's something wrong with the reports. the 14mg report seems closer to others though.

Submitted Oct 12 2003
in Report ID# 27533 :

A GCMS test discovered that the said substance in question was actually a mixture of 5-meo-amt and 5-meo-dipt. Just a note as it was not sold on the black market, please use precaution in seeking out substances like these as even seemingly legitimate sources can be nothing better than filthy capitalists!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23859
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 12, 2003Views: 17,235
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4-AcO-DiPT (55), 5-MeO-DMT (58) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Second Hand Report (42), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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