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Able to Convert Humans to Vegetables...
Citation:   Udiniii. "Able to Convert Humans to Vegetables...: An Experience with Ketamine (exp23866)". Dec 27, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
This is not about my ketamine addiction, but what I've seen it do to other people. In our area, ketamine is becoming a very widely used drug, but people are not seeing the dangers that this drug possesses because it is unclassified. I have done ketamine and been in a K-hole so I know what it is like. But I saw damage it could do so never let it become an addiction.

For over a year now I have seen my friends vanish into ketamine addictions. They have said it is unlike any other addiction. They say it is not a physical addiction like heroin or crack, but a mainly mental addiction. None of my friends inject K, but they do snort it, and I don't mean small lines. At the beginning of doing K they said they could sometimes get 20 lines out of a gram. Now a gram is a line. Tolerance towards K is perculier. It only builds up when K is constantly around. After 3/4 days tolerance lowers itself and small little lines are possible again. When K is around all the time, problems start. Lines get longer, and time between lines gets shorter.
When K is around all the time, problems start. Lines get longer, and time between lines gets shorter.

A K addiction is seriously damaging on a person. Physical problems are nauseating. One of my friends described K-cramps as 'having your abdomen muscles so tight that if you stretch, your bones feel like they are going to break'. I have seem them in agony and it all due to K. But to me, the worst thing about K is the damage it does to the personality. As everybody knows doing anything on K is a mission. So naturally talking is not really an option. Manners don't exist and rudeness provails. Eventually a K-group will occur. This is when the addiction is so strong that other people are sick of them being on K, so they divide into their own little group. Segregation occurs and collectives divide.

I'm not sure what a bottle is to other people, but here it is a litre and that usually cooks up to about 50 grams. These bottles are usually bought in 10's and gone in a weekend. Most of the K is sold, but about 15-20% is done by them.

So I warn people of this drug, recreationally it is fun and creates a large amount of stupidity, but if they have an addictive personality, with the funding to support this low finance addiction I would stay away from this drug. The pain will be unbearable and friendships will disappear like a few of mine have...

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23866
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 27, 2018Views: 3,424
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Ketamine (31) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Post Trip Problems (8), Second Hand Report (42), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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