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Mid-Life Trip
Morning Glory
Citation:   Old Hiker. "Mid-Life Trip: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp23987)". Apr 7, 2007.

6.0 g oral Morning Glory (liquid)

12 grams seeds
350 ml water
1 tsp citric acid
2 Tbl sugar

I put all the ingredients in a variable-speed blender. I started at a low speed, until the seeds were all cracked, then increased to the highest speed. I left it at this speed until the black shells had been ground to the consistency of small coffee grounds. I let the mixture stand overnight, so the shells and seed chunks settled out. Then I poured off the 200 ml on top and threw out the rest. I estimate there was the equivalent of 6-8g worth of seeds in this fraction, but this is a guess.

The object of all this is to get the highest ratio of alkaloids to seed pulp. The citric acid and sugar are simply to improve the taste, which isn't too bad given this preparation. The procedure is not efficient, as it wastes a lot of the seeds, but they are cheap, and it gave good results.


I ingested the mixture at 9:00am and drove to a nearby trailhead for a day-hike. For the first two hours I noticed nothing, and was convinced the whole thing was a failure. Then I began to feel a bit lightheaded, and wondered if maybe there was a slight effect. Within half an hour after this I was feeling strong effects. The effects increased rapidly. They reached a plateau that lasted about 2 hours. During this time there were very significant sensory and psychological effects, sometimes almost overwhelming. Then the effects slowly tapered off for about 3 more hours. After 12 hours they were almost completely gone, but there was a slight feeling of lethargy and depression that lasted until the middle of the following day.


By the way, I'm trained as a research chemist, in grad school at UC Berkeley a couple or three decades ago.

This stuff was easily in the same class of strength as LSD and 'magic' mushrooms, both of which I tried a few times many years ago. I have to admit that it was some kind of 'mid-life crisis' thing that led me into this experience, I kind of missed my old hipplie-dippie days and was looking for a safe and legal way to get a little of it back. I'm not sure about the 'safe' part, like I said, this is a strong psychoactive drug, make no mistake. It's not some kind of half-assed 'herbal substitute', it's the real thing. Among the effects were:

- Strong auditory hallucinations. I was walking in the woods, and they are fairly open in places. I heard a lot of odd echos of my own footsteps off of larger trees and bluffs. The sound of these echos was almost overwhelming, like an army of ghosts walking with me. Streams and small waterfalls sounded like a thousand tiny bells being struck over and over again. Sometimes I'd just hear one fundamental note in a stream, like it was a single bell, sometimes I'd hear many. The effect was so strong to be almost overwhelming and unpleasant at times.

- Moderate visual hallucinations. No 'trails' like I remember from my youthful experiments. Clouds looked very strange and in odd motion. If I closed my eyes I saw some very strange patterns, like fractal images, that would become pretty strong visuals after time. If I opened my eyes they kind of quickly rearranged themselves into the visual scene. But nothing like I remember from 'magic' muchrooms, which were really strong visually.

- Moderate psychological effects. At times I felt I was a disembodied agent being transported in a robot body across a cartoon landscape. My mood flipped from elation to fear several times, although I was able to keep it under control by reminding myself that it was just the effects of a drug that would eventually wear off. I felt I was having some profound insights, none of which I am sure was really all that profound. The only one that stuck with me was that 'reality' may just be made up of layers upon layers of 'hallucinations' piled up so thickly as to be unchangeable, and that the drug I had taken was simply peeling back a few layers and letting me see things another way.

Also, odd things would startle me. I remenger watching some ants coming out of a nest in the ground and suddenly feeling very menaced by them. It's like they were all staring at me in anger. But I never totally 'lost myself', as happened to me once when I ate about a handfull of 'magic' mushrooms.

-Moderate physical effects. My body felt very tense and my eyes became quite bloodshot. Oddly, my pupils never dialated much, but they did get kind of twitchy.

To be honest the whole experience was more unpleasant than pleasant in the balance. But it was damned interesting. I'm not sure I'll ever repeat it, but I'm not sorry I tried it once.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23987
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 7, 2007Views: 8,071
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Morning Glory (38) : Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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