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Blue Nose at the Fair
Citation:   AleXXX. "Blue Nose at the Fair: An Experience with Morphine (exp24005)". Mar 13, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  10 mg insufflated Morphine (ground / crushed)
Mid-July 2002,I was a regular reffer bud smoker. I have occasionally tried other drugs: DXM,Speed,ect. ect. Anyways I was at this fair a attend every year in the heat of summer. I belive the day I stumbbled upon Morphine I had been smoking pot already. My friend who I shall call J told me to come into the bathroom with him. I had no reason to decline so I followed him. He pulled out a pill bottle with the title Morphine. I almost pissed my pants, he crused up one blue pill for me and I snorted it on the sink. It went down so smooth! I rember looking up at him and giggling. So we walked out to the rest of the large crowd. Everything had some purple tint to it, my vision felt like it was in 'wide screen'. Next, I was kicked into a state of extrem well being, it seemed everyone of my female friends became sexually attracted to me. I did not act stupid though, I knew my perception was altered. The rest of the night was a total blur. All in all Morphine is extremly europhic and I would enjoy it again.

Peace out

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 24005
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 13, 2018Views: 1,751
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Morphine (211) : General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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