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We All Laughed
Chocolate, Mushrooms (edible) & Cannabis
Citation:   Hybridsilence. "We All Laughed: An Experience with Chocolate, Mushrooms (edible) & Cannabis (exp24075)". Erowid.org. Feb 21, 2023. erowid.org/exp/24075

  oral Chocolate  
  3.5 g oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
    joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (flowers)
    joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (flowers)
It was about 5:00pm and me and couple of friends were sitting around, bumming slightly because of the plans for the cookout were blown away from stupid complication. And a friends of B's came in, holding about 7 mushroom chocolates, all with silver wrapping and different imprints on each one. Paying $20 for one I was kinda curious about how much was in it, but decided to buy it regardless.

So 10:pm rolls around after getting all the annoying people out of the house. Left was me and 3 others. I chewed up my chocolate really slowly, completely dissolving it in my mouth and able to feel little chunks of mushroom in my mouth. I could tell these were dank just by the texture. I could tell there were a good amount of mushrooms in them because of the really grating texture. Probably very chopped up mushrooms.

Within 5 minutes I could feel my stomach turn a little. This feeling always made me smile to know the onset was close. We rolled a nice spliff and smoked it in the tent located in the smoking room (good little clam spot for all of our smoking needs). We were just sitting back and relaxing, joking with each other and shotgunning smoke rings across the tent into other's mouths. I had ate that 1 chocolate, B had eaten 1 also. and the other 2 split one. We all felt it, very pleasant.

After about 30 minutes we went into the living room. Looking around, just seeing the new world we were in me and B sat down behind A. She leaned back and we were just playing with her hair, we both saw how gorgeous it was. Each strand moving on its own, both in awe by this sight. She just laughed at us and went along with it, having a great time.
She leaned back and we were just playing with her hair, we both saw how gorgeous it was. Each strand moving on its own, both in awe by this sight. She just laughed at us and went along with it, having a great time.
The smell of flowers covered the room due to the girls decorating the room before hand helped out a lot. We smoked another joint and laid back. Soon after a couple of people came over, buying 2 more of those chocolates. We sent them on their way.

After everyone was gone, sitting back down like before. Playing with a brush, looking down and feeling like each piece sticking out of the brush was a small universe / star / planet of it own. I was in control, just the site of the darkness in it gave me a sense of power which I can't explain. We hopped into the car and went on a little mission, driving up the passage to the top of the mountain. Pulling to a pull-off we all got out, the only light were the parking lights, looking around was complete darkness and trees. I felt 2 inches tall compared to the gangling trees. Felt as if I was in the only clearing in the world, as if I was in a huge well. But more pleasant and cheerful. We set off a couple rounds of fireworks (which is sketchy due to the fact that others have been busted for doing the same thing) and watched in awe. But soon after we saw headlights coming down the road. We all panicked and scrambled into the car, all laughing but still having our hearts pounding with excitement and fear.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
We drove off back into town. Along the way looking at the forest, all the trees looked slanted, all the same tree. We dipped around every road, so much fun. Once we got into town, me and A went into the store, picked up some drinks and candy but couldn't stop looking at each other about to laugh. But that ended quick and soon enough we were back in the car. A friend (the same friend we sold the chocolate to earlier, and who had never tripped before) pulled up besides us and looks at us smiling saying 'I saw a giraffe! It was running in the woods!' We all laughed our asses off and headed out, after making sure he could handle himself. We cruised around a little longer then had to drop 2 of our friends off at home, this is around 1am or so in the morning.

Once they were home we headed back to our staying place. Both laying down on the floor, being engulfed in the visuals from the carpet and the trippy blue lights shining off the computer, laying back listening to the music. I rolled onto my back, looking up into the ceiling. There was a bunch of plants hanging form fishing line connected to the ceiling, giving the illusion that it was floating. I looked at it, the purple flower, turning into 1) the bride and groom on the wedding cake 2) bats hanging up side down showing there teeth 3) even from what I say, evil pigs, all with rigged noses and teeth. Not scary, just very interesting.

I ended the night by laying down on the couch, looking around and loving the music. From there I just dozed off, into a deep sleep, waking up tired but relieved. The little chocolate gave me a trip much like a full 3.5 gram trip has done before. I was glad it worked out perfectly. This trip was much different from all my others, where I usually just lay back, having an actual trip, but this was more recreational, not enjoyed as much as the more mind exploring trips but fun none the less.

Do some mushrooms!! Expand your minds!!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24075
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 21, 2023Views: 330
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Mushrooms (39), Chocolate (182), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Relationships (44), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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