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Brutally Beautiful
by 2482
Citation:   2482. "Brutally Beautiful: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp24318)". Jan 11, 2007.

20 mg oral 2C-T-2 (capsule)
  1 repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I had just two days previously taken my maiden voyage on 5 meo dipt. It was a reasonably temperate night in mid april and my brother had just returned to town. My grrlfriend had been so impressed with 'foxy' that she returned to take another 20mg dose. My brother was also most enthusiatic about the tryptamine and decided to ingest it for the first time as well. I however, had long waited to expirement with a 2c compound and now, on this Friday night I would get my chance to take a dose of approximately 20mg of this substance. A fair first dose to be sure, but as one psychonaut mentioned, you don't go to the amusement park just to ride the carosel, you have to get on the rollercoaster.

So down the hatch went an orange and yellow pill capsule that reminded me of psychedelic candy corn and up the roller coaster's first steep climb I went. The climb was lightening fast, faster than any expierence with compound since. Within 20 minutes of ingestion I was having significant visuals, on the level 150ug of LSD, minus the industrial strength mind warp that accompanies such a ride. I was a bit taken back by the strength of what was happening and quit smoking herb as I felt I needed no more psychoactives in my system.

The visual disturbances were most notable at the time. I was able to communicate, but lines and trails and vortexs wrapped around everything. I felt as though my eyes were painting the visual world with an energy that gave life , color and depth to every visual object.

I went outside to walk around the block. This relieved the overwhelming feeling I was having. However, my college town was in the peak hours of the party scene and many a strange people were out and even stranger things were occuring all around.

So, in the face of the public eye, i returned to my apartment, only to be overwhelmed again by the visual intensity of the expirience. So I left my grrlfriend to deal with my brother who was freaking out a bit on his respective substance and went out to hide amongst a small wooded area on campus where I knew no one would fuck with me.

Most people are too afraid to wonder in there at night. But I find the wooded area a pleasant secluded area to hide from the many drunks and police on the streets. Entering the woods the trees began to move and dance and grow in front of me and it looked like I was walking through trees and branches, though I knew I was on a path.

It was at this point that I had my first encounter with an entity. I remember very little about wandering through the woods, except it seemed like a beautiful, yet forceful eternity. Still, sometime in the madness I encountered a dark shadowery figure who discussed rhythmic motives in early music compositions of mine and how they have changed little since I have been a composer of music. That I should commit myself to change my motivic material and also the influences in my music. Then, there was a period of more meandering through this new universe I entered.

Then, suddenly I found myself sitting on the steps of the chemistry building staring into the woods. I was still tripping heavily but had entered back in our world, or at least some semblance of it. I got up and wonder back to my apartment.

I spent the rest of the night in my apartment with my brother and grrlfriend who had calmed down listening to music and enjoying the remanents of the trip. I was away till the late afternoon the next day and felt fairly well, with few negative 'comedown' symptoms. Easily, one of two Shulgin plus 4 expierences I have had in my life. No expierence with the substance has matched that voyage, even at higher doses, though each expierence still has had much to offer me. It is a useful chemical for the open minded.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24318
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2007Views: 8,497
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2C-T-2 (53) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Entities / Beings (37), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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