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Possible Audio Hallucinations?
Citation:   Starfish. "Possible Audio Hallucinations?: An Experience with Valerian (exp24460)". Jun 13, 2003.

T+ 0:00
2 tablets oral Valerian
  T+ 2:15 4 tablets oral Valerian
I had an interessting experience the other night with some valerian root pills.

11:30 PM
2 pills taken with water

1:45 AM
I still hadn't noticed any affects of the valerian, not even a bit of drowsiness, so I pop four more pills.

2:45 AM
I fall asleep. It's unusual for me to fall asleep any time before
4 usually, so I think I was able to fall asleep this early because of the valerian. I experience some strange dreams that I'm unable to recall, aside from that they felt more realistic than usual.

11:30 AM
I'm awakened by the voice of my friend C shouting 'Let me in, I got pot, let me in dammit!'. After I open my eyes the voice continues to shout, and I experience sparkles in my peripheral vision. I run to the door and no one is there, not even on the side walk.

There's no way that my buddy could have gotten away that fast. I heard the voice first in my dream, and then once I had woken up for a few seconds, so I believe that the audio in my dream was carried over to my waking mind, at least for a few seconds. If something along these lines is true, I suspect that it happened because of the valerian.

In any case, I'm going to experiment with my valerian root pills tonight, to see if anything spectacular happens.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24460
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 13, 2003Views: 7,928
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Valerian (48) : General (1), Alone (16)

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