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Hell in Alien Terms
Morning Glory
by s0ma
Citation:   s0ma. "Hell in Alien Terms: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp24463)". Mar 17, 2020.

T+ 0:00
6 g oral Morning Glory  
  T+ 2:00 6 smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This is the story of the most horrific night of my life.

Having just happened upon a website, I was excited at the variety of legal psychedelics now before me. In terms of past drug experience, I was average, e.g. Smoked pot daily, and done e and shrooms several times each. It was my amazing experiences with shrooms that led me to morning glorys....thinking foolishly that all trips were of the same nature as psylocybin trips.

Wish mushrooms I had experienced the full range of good trips. I had walked about parties being the most sociable and happy person on the planet. I had stared in blissed out awe at bouquets of flowers as they melted into one another and morphed into other flowers. I had been carried up to a snowy, starlit heaven where the Virgin Mary whispered comforting words to me. I felt I was ready to move onto something more intense.

So anyways, I, along with my friend kerrie whom I had talked into joining me, each purchased six g of heavenly blues from kmart. We drove downtown where there are plenty of pretty places such as statues, parks, and beaches, and proceeded to dose. This was at ten o'clock.

T+.5 mild spaciness. Listening to modest mouse and having a generally optomistic outlook on the trip. Mild nausea.

T+1.5 nausea superceding trippiniess. Spacy feeling continues, lights are brighter and music sounds more interesting, however the overwhelming urge to puke prevents enjoyment.

T+2 we decide to smoke a bowl to kill the nausea and perhaps speed the trip along. We do so by the pond near my house. Upon finishing, the feeling of being overwhelmingly high comes on. A magical euphoria overtakes us both. The woods take on the character of a faerie kingdom, aided muchly by the fog that night. The bark of a large oak tree looks alive and fleshy and undulates around the trunk as if comminicating. A floaty sensation governs walking.

T+2.5 back in my room. I set my kazaa playlist with dark side of the moon, some modest mouse, some classical, and some epic trance. We lay in bed and let our minds race. Music is incredible. The closed eyed visuals were like a windows media player skin but infinitely more intricate. During comfortably numb I distinctly remember it being like an mc escher painting which moved and spiraled towards me with the melody. Pink floyd seems to intensify the trip much more than any other music.

T+3 I get the feeling like my car is slowly speeding up without me pushing the accelerator. Like it's gradually getting too fast and I need to get out somehow. I mention my apprehension to kerrie but her trip is still going well. It was this fear which snowballed into the worst trip of my life. I started to feel like I was going to wake up the next morning completely braindead, able to function physically but unable to think. I then felt as though my mind was being systematically erased. I kept reciting the poem ozymandius by shelly over and over so as to not forget how to speak english. My mouth was extremely dy(thankfully I had a can of flat diet pepsi next to my bed) and every muscle in my body is on edge. At this point time loses relevance.

My friend crystal called at some point and I told her I was having a bad trip and was extremely terrified that I'd die and never see her again. She did the standard, 'it's only a drug don't worry hun you'll be fine' speech but I didn't believe her. I was convinced I was going to die.

Then I did. I felt something 'disconnect' and was aware that my soul and body were no longer one. I felt, however, trapped in my own mind. It's hard to describe this in rational terms but I'll do my best. It was like my soul left my body and I now only existed in some cavern in the back of my mind. It was an austere sort of cave with cold water running through it. In retrospect it reminds me of hg wells' description of the last moments of life on earth. It was at this point that I fell asleep.

The next morning I was alive thanfully. My brain felt quite fried for several weeks after that and still periodically does. I feel okay most of the time, but then for little two day periods I'll feel this pressure on my brain stem and get involuntary jaw clenching and won't be able to concentrate on anything. For the most part my mind came out intact, however.

I took a smaller dose than many other users I read about. I was also fairly experienced with psychedelics. Had I simply ridden the trip out I'm convinced it could have been an amazing experience, but I felt the overwhelming urge to fight it.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24463
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 17, 2020Views: 841
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Bad Trips (6), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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