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I Couldn't Remember My Name or What Day It Was
Citation:   justsomedude. "I Couldn't Remember My Name or What Day It Was: An Experience with GHB (exp24571)". Dec 10, 2018.

  repeated oral GHB (liquid)
GHB: A Retrospective Summary

My experiences on GHB started when a distant friend brought a couple gallons to town. It was at the end of June / beginning of July of 2001. It was at some kind of post graduation pool party when a buddy of mine, long time drug partner, and I decided to buy an oz (5 caps/oz). The distant friend poured it straight from his personal stash (1 part g/one part water instead of the standard 2 parts water). We took a cap a piece and FUCKING LOVED IT! We didnt drink alcohol that night, just took the rest of the bottle and bought 3 more ozs the following day. We started the cycle with the only difference being the size of the dosage.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
One night, I think July 1st, we had a fireworks war on top of a middle school, and my starting dose was 7 caps. Everything was fucking insane: melting, falling, sliding, and laughing. Another bonus is I get the urge to fuck anything that is alive. Well on with the story. I puked that night at the fireworks war after ingesting a total of 9 caps, but that didnt stop the binge. My buddy would take fewer caps, but would occasionally slip a beer or two. Anyway, on July 3rd, I started the usual does, around 7-8 caps as did my buddy. I was driving...... We went to a couple parties and ended up splitting and going to two different places. I was ready for more, but instead of drinking out of my pre made Lipton's Ice tea bottle that had my 3 remaining caps, I drank the reserve (7-8 more caps). I realized this, and decided either need to get a bite to eat or meet up with my friends and try to shake it off. I decided the latter, and ended up almost wrecking 3-4 times. I turned around........'food' I thought. I was heading to Waffle House as the melting and blackness took over.

I woke up in the middle of somebody's font yard, across from the correct driving lane, surrounded by three police officers. Supposedly I was screaming, ranting, and raving in the middle of this guy's house so he called the fuzz. They asked my name, but I couldnt remember. 'Bullshit them' I thought. The name James flashed from one of the cops left lapel. 'James!' I declared. 'Where are you from James?' they enquired. That was tough.......'James!' I declared. 'Ok James what day is it?' I thought I had them fooled.....'Better get this right' I thought. 'Wednesday' I said with confidence. 'No *my name here*, today is Tuesday'. They had my ID the whole time. I threw up as they put me in one of their cars. Down to jail I went, but then a clerk notified them that I was ODing. I went to the hospital, where I had my stomach emptied into a cup, which was then mix with charcoal. They told me to drink it. I did, crying like a little girl. I then went to jail for another 8 hours, until my folks bailed me out. That was the worst, but I wont get into that. The point of this story......GHB is fucking awesome, I just SHOULD NOT have been so careless, drank alcohol in combination or drove a vehicle while on GHB.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 24571
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 10, 2018Views: 3,173
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Police / Customs (60), GHB (25) : Various (28), Difficult Experiences (5), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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