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Thought I Was Going To Die
Paxil & Cannabis
Citation:   Eliwar. "Thought I Was Going To Die: An Experience with Paxil & Cannabis (exp24708)". Jun 23, 2003.

T+ 0:00
12.5 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 72:00 0.3333 g smoked Cannabis  
well it starts out that I was recently given anti-depression medication for my apparent depression and anxiety (which I was using the ganj for help before). I was given a free sample of paxil and took a single 12.5 pill right out of the doctrors office before reading about it on erowid. This drug is horrible by the way never take it, it does some crazy shit to you.

That was nearly three days ago. I didn't take anymore after reading up.

I haven't been smoking any weed lately because I'll probably be getting a piss test very soon for a new job. I figured though, its the same place I've always gotten the test done at because it's in the same general area, they don't watch you, I'd just use one of my 'clean' friend's urine. I broke down tonight, just 30 minutes ago, and took some massive bubbler hits. At first I thought I was just getting light headed from breathing so much smoke in before breathing in clean air. Then my vision got all pixelated and my hearing became cracklely. I was starting to lose all consciousness and decided to wake up my parents. I crawled out of my room and up the stairs to my parents room and woke them up because I thought I was going to die. I was sweating by the time I made it up there. Woke up my mom and well, shit, I didn't die. :hmm: Damn glad I didn't though.

What I got was Seretonin Syndrome.

There's some really scary stuff in there. I had absolutely every symptom in there. I'm just glad I stayed relatively calm, trying to control my breathing, trying not to fall asleep. What I did was really stupid. Take the doctors word seriously about that. I thought if there was an interaction that it was most likely slight. Come on, I thought, its only weed. I was dead wrong about it. I think I'll be able to handle not smoking for awhile now and not taking happy pills. Be careful of all drugs you may take, prescribtion or street. Most times the prescribtion drugs are far worse.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24708
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 23, 2003Views: 18,814
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Cannabis (1), Pharms - Paroxetine (148) : Combinations (3), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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