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False-Positive for PCP on Drug Test
by Eva
Citation:   Eva. "False-Positive for PCP on Drug Test: An Experience with DXM (exp24819)". Oct 30, 2003.

  oral DXM
As I was reading through information on drug testing and DXM, I decided to provide an experience I had a few years ago. I was sick in the hospital, and for reasons I'm still unsure of (although I think it may have had something to do with me being under 18 at the time) the hospital ran a urine drug test on me. I had been using DXM 2 or 3 times a week for months before, and had used it in the week prior to my hospital visit. My test DID come back positive for PCP, and nothing else (which didn't really surprise me). DXM was the only drug I had been using during that time. When a doctor came to me with the test results, he asked me if I had been using PCP, which made me laugh; but I was lucky enough to be able to explain my DXM use without getting into any trouble. After my explanation, I wasn't asked any more questions about the test results (although some nurses were interested as to why anyone would willingly drink so much cough syrup :P)

I wish I could provide more information, I did have a copy of the test results at one time but I have no idea where they could be now. I just wanted to provide my experience, and confirm that false-positives for PCP with DXM are definitely possible. I would also like to note that I did not test positive for opiates, as I read could also be a possibility.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 24819
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 30, 2003Views: 22,569
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DXM (22), Drug Testing (59) : General (1), Hospital (36)

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