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Citation:   goofy. "Heavy: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp24870)". Jun 29, 2003.

T+ 0:00
1.0 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:05 8.0 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I have been reading info off the net about this substance for some weeks and I felt reasonably well-informed when some came into my hands today. I was excited and nervous about the experience to come.

I was alone in my appartment, which was clean if cluttered, and comfortable and I was sure of not getting any disturbances - phone off hook, etc..
First I tried smoking out of a bit of foil - probably about 2mg. but alot of the smoke escaped before I could suck it up so I figured this method was not so efficient - I might try a vapourizer next time to avoid this problem. Slight feeling that a chemical was in my body and very slight visual effects - colours seemed more vivid, but hardly noticeable really.
Then I decided to try snorting as this seemed less wasteful. Two small lines, between 5 and 10mg or thereabouts judging from effects. Within 5 minutes my body began to feel very heavy and I had some sensory distortion of my pysical awareness. Tried lying down and closing my eyes but this didn't feel very comfortable so I decided to continue footling around the appartment as i had been so far.

By the 15min. mark my body still felt very heavy (this was the main theme of the experience) and i had a strange sensitivity in my gums (which made me worry a bit as I had read somewhere about people bleeding from their gums in a similar situation). By the half-hour mark I was sweating quite heavily, body still heavy; visually things seemed a bit vivid and I popped out to take some rubbish from the car - outside a warm wind was blowing which felt great and everything seemed sparkly.

After that the effects began to wear off, and I was particularly glad to be rid of the heavy body thing which was unpleasant and really detracted from my enjoyment of this experience.

After the event I feel very indifferent to trying this chemical again. It might be more interesting, especially if I could smoke it successfully, but I'm not overly enthusiastic about the next time.

Generally I like drugs that make me feel good - physically especially - so this chemical was not so suitable for me I think. Other trip reports I have read psychically over-rate the experience I would say, though this may be due to the low level of my dose. I wouldn't want to go much higher though. A neutral experience mentally with unpleasant physical effects.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24870
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 29, 2003Views: 8,941
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