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Three Deaths
Salvia divinorum & Cannabis
Citation:   Gonzo. "Three Deaths: An Experience with Salvia divinorum & Cannabis (exp24879)". Jan 23, 2023.

Some bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  4 bowls smoked Salvia divinorum (flowers)
This report happened on the 26/06/03. Well this is my first time of trying salvia. I've had quite a bit of the leaves for some time and was waiting for a time when I could try it out. The time was about 10PM and my parents had gone out for the night. I was in my brother's room with him for a while smoking some weed when I had the idea.

I packed the first bowl, put my lighter to it and breathed it in fully, reloaded the pipe and took it all in again. I repeated this around 4 or 5 times. The smoke was quite harsh after the last one and my throat is still a little inflamed after 2 days. I then went to sit on my brothers bed and closed my eyes then I was over come with an amazing laughing fit. I was just laughing so hard for about 5 minutes. I opened my eyes and looked at my brother he told me to close my eyes again and see what happens.

Then the first thing happened, I had a very relaxed body feeling going on and as I sat, with my eyes closed, a white box appeared in the center of my mind. Coming out of the corners, white lines shot out. So I was in a tunnel. Looking down the tunnel a saw something coming towards me, and as I watched I was hit by a train.
Coming out of the corners, white lines shot out. So I was in a tunnel. Looking down the tunnel a saw something coming towards me, and as I watched I was hit by a train.
Eyes opened.

It was a bit shocking but I decided to close my eyes again and see if it would happen again. So I closed them and I was in a jungle by a river. There were many canoes lined up by the bank and I got in one and started rowing down the river. It was a nice and peaceful river till I started to hear some rushing and then suddenly I was thrown off the end of a waterfall to the second of my deaths this evening.

It was about 5 minutes from when I first smoked the bowls. I needed a drink for my throat and I started going down the stairs. As I walked in my mind I saw me stepping through a step and falling to my third death. This was a weird thing that I experienced. I didn't break through properly but I think I was close. It was like I dreamed them but I was really there. Like I dreamed them but I didn't know I was dreaming. I really do look forward to doing this more.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24879
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 23, 2023Views: 295
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Cannabis (1), Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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