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Half Way There
DiPT (freebase)
Citation:   philosophicus. "Half Way There: An Experience with DiPT (freebase) (exp24882)". Jun 30, 2003.

12 mg smoked DiPT (powder / crystals)
Interested in the one strange report (located on erowid) of a dmt/5meo-dmt like experience freebasing dipt, I sought out more info on this topic. Here is what was recounted to me in my research.

A person took 25mg of dipt hcl. They freebased the material by soaking in a bunch of ammonia (pure stuff from the grocery, be careful wear eye and respiratory protection). The material crystallized into two large chunks, and some speckles. It sat for 10-15 minutes and then they tried to filter it. The two major crystals were recovered but the speckles were futile. Perhaps that equated to 2mgs (there is ~2mg lost in the process anyway so they were down like 4mg to 20mg freebase). The dipt was then soaked in H20 for long enough to evaporate most of it. Some stuck to the sides of the glass and couldn't be recovered. What ended was like 16-18mg (approx. not weighed) of dipt freebase.

This material was placed in a glass pipe of the sort used for crack, meth, dmt, etc. The pipe had ~4-5 years worth of 5meo-dmt and trace amounts of dmt in it. SO all the report is prefaced by that fact. The user reported difficulty in being able to see the dipt in the pipe which brings the estimate down to probably 12mg or something that was actually burned. It had a familiar tryptamine taste, but definately distinct from 5meo-dmt. The onset was swift but slower than 5meo. All the material was smoked in one hit. Coil's composition of 4 tones from the album timemachines (DOET was the song) was put on. The harmonics vibrating off the wall became intensified and everything had the muffled or distorted sound reported by other users. There was a clear rush and liquid like visuals, unlike the sharp visuals of dmt or 5meo-dmt. Analysis, half the dose was achieved.

The report was sufficiently distinct in quality and action to rule out 5meo more or less. With double the amount, the user was certain a reality dissolving experience would be had.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24882
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2003Views: 17,481
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DiPT (110) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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