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Salvinorin Isolation Technique
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Sphere. "Salvinorin Isolation Technique: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp24896)". Jan 16, 2007.

    Salvia divinorum (extract)
How can I extract from Salvia Divinorum leaf to obtain white Salvinorin for crystal growth?

The following was written for 100 to 250 gram extraction:

1. Finely powder or crush Salvia leaf, extract using room temp. Acetone three separate times for five minutes each.

2. Wash wet leaf through twice more with fresh Acetone to remove residuals.

3. Combine Acetone from all three extractions and last washes, remove all leaf particles, filter sediments from solvent or let fluid stand undisturbed for up to 12 hours for sediments to settle out. While waiting for sediments to settle store your extract solvent in a dark cool place to reduce possible losses due to interaction of light and heat. Save your sediments to re-extract with fresh solvent.

4. After the fine sediments are removed from your Acetone, completely evaporate this solvent completely out and then scrape all of the dried waxy extract remains out of your evaporation container and place in a small 25-50 ml glass vial. Do not fill the vial more than one one third full of dried extract.

5. Fill your vial of extract full of pure Naphtha, stir or shake for one minute and wait at least 30 minutes for the Salvinorin particles to fall to the bottom of the vial. Remove no more than half of the fluid from your vial using a eye dropper, being careful not to dip too deep into your dark Naphtha when doing so because you will not be able to see where the layer of crude Salvinorin is until enough wax has been removed. Continue washing the wax out of your extract via multiple washes of Naphtha waiting for the Salvinorin particles to settle each time, when the Naphtha stops taking on color and becomes fairly translucent remove all Naphtha and dry.

6. To remove more waxes begin washing the extract with multiple washings using 99 percent IPA until the extract is a light colored Salvinorin. As the Salvinorin becomes cleaner and cleaner the particles will take longer to settle, taking as long as a hour to do so for each wash.

*7. Dry, redissolve Salvinorin in 100 ml Acetone, let sediments settle 8 hours in dark, decant Acetone from sediments (go ahead and evaporate your first pour off of Acetone), wash sediments twice more, let sediments from second wash settle another eight hours and pour off Acetone for evaporation
8. Slowly evaporate the Acetone at room temperature to form crystals.

*NOTE: Step 7 is to assure that your extract is as high a purity as possible, to remove sediments that might not have been removed well enough earlier. Naphtha removes the waxes without dissolving the Salvinorin. Isopropanol is far more effective at removing waxes but also removes Salvinorin, use it sparingly. Save all of your Naphtha and Isopropanol used for the washes. After the Naphtha has set a few hours 10% or more of the Salvinorin will be found in the bottom of the container. Save all of the IPA used to wash your extract because it can be used to enhance leaf or for making tincture, depending on how much Salvinorin was removed through the washes.

At writing, Salvia Divinorin and Salvinorin were completely legal where I live.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24896
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 16, 2007Views: 11,157
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Cultivation / Synthesis (31), Preparation / Recipes (30), Not Applicable (38)

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