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First and Last Time
Citation:   AkUmA. "First and Last Time: An Experience with GHB (exp24911)". Jul 14, 2013.

3.5 caps oral GHB (liquid)
Okay it was my birthday, feb 14th,. And as a special treat my friend P was going to give me a special gift. So we went to his Car Audio shop,. It was around 12am on a friday night,. It was only me and him and another one of my friends. So P gave me the three and half caps and I drank it down. I complained how awful it tasted and said 'now I know what my girlfriends talking about when she tells me she doesnt wanna swallow'. As I drank the last few drops a smile came upon P's face.

And then it began.

I remember after about 10 mins asking how long it would take to feel the effects and how it would feel like. P told me , 'dont worry it feels like extacy'. After about 15-20 mins I remember feeling a little tipsy,. It was hard to control my balance, I felt pretty good tho. I then stated that I wanted to go raving and had to go home and change. P asked me how am I going to get home and I said,. 'duh, I'm driving, how do you think I got here?' P then looked at me and said no way you cant your crazy and I said no I feel fine. So eventually I listened and let my other friend, who was completely sober, drive my car. P my other friend and I got in the car. I was sitting in shotgun. Just as we hit the road, IT HIT ME HARD. I remember all of a sudden my head slammed back. We had just been on the road for 2 mins. Then as I straightened my head out I Puked all over myself and seat, It came out so unexpectingly I couldnt control it.

My friend who was driving got scared. I told him please pull over I need to get some fresh air. So he did. And luck has it out of the 200000 houses in my town, he pulls up next to this girl I had a Major crush on,. I got out and passed out on a mountain of snow on her driveway. I realized it was her house and tried to get back into the car as quickly as possible.

I did, and then a few mins later we arrived to my house. I got out of the car,. Puked on my driveway and then fell on the driveway , my next door neighbours were outside looking all freaked out like I was stabbed or dying. I dont blame them I thought I was. So then I tried my best to suck it all up and went inside my house only to find my mom and sis at the door,. My mom knew something was up,. Mothers intuition I guess,. I quickly ran to the washroom and tried to regain compuser. I couldnt. So I told my friend to go get his car from his house which was not too far and take me away until I get back to normal . Meanwhile my other friend P was downstairs hitting on my sister.

My friend got his car ,. I got in with P , I was in the backseat, I put a blanket over my head,. And it was then I passed out. I came to 10 mins later and was in a state of being in and out of consciousness. The funny thing is I remember before leaving my house I grabbed a trance cd and while I was in the backseat passing in and out, I told my friend to put it in the cd player. The only thing I would say from then on is , 'turn it up' or 'change to the next track' thats it. I eventually after about 2 hours came to and was able to stay fully conscious. I returned home and made a pact with myself to never do GHB again. I never did.


Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 24911
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2013Views: 3,164
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GHB (25) : First Times (2), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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