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Alpha Testing
DON & Various
Citation:   Bandil. "Alpha Testing: An Experience with DON & Various (exp24932)". May 18, 2006.

T+ 0:00
3.5 mg oral DON (liquid)
  T+ 3:00   smoked Cannabis - Hash  
  T+ 5:00   inhaled Inhalants - Nitrites  
  T+ 12:00   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 12:00     Pharms - Fentanyl  
  T+ 17:00     Pharms - Diazepam  
By some lucky chance I had become the lucky owner of quite an amount of DON (2,5-dimethoxy-4-nitroamphetamine hydrochloride). It came as totally yellow crystals, which where quite soluble in alcohol and water. 100 mg was weighed out and dissolved in 100 mL's of apple schnaps (didn't have any pure ethyl alcohol at the time). It dissolved immediately on contact. Some friends came over to my apartment and after a short 'ceremony' we each drank some. I drank 3,5 mL's which corresponds to 3,5 mg's of the hydrochloride. One girl took 3,5 mg's as well and two other males did 3,75 and 4,25 respectively. The substance was ingested at 20.00. We had plans on going to an illegal rave in the forest with really sweet music and setting etc. I really wasn't up to going out all night, but my friends somehow managed to persuade me. Well immediately after drinking the elexir we ventured off. We took a bus and had to change at some station. Within half an hour amphetamine-like stimulation was present. When we got off the bus, we realised that it was the wrong place we got off, and we had to wait a full hour for the connecting bus. The substituted amphetamines in our system decided that our able bodies where able to walk there faster, and so we did. We walked about eight kilometers through the city and into the forest.

When we got there it was about two hours after ingestion and there were quite some visual special effects. Mentally there was not much going on. Although we had just marched eight kilometers my legs where nowhere near tired. We walked through a very long tunnel to get to the bunker complex where the party was at. The setting was amazing. Very dimmed lights and a totally sheilded off valley. We sat around and just talked for little less than an hour. At three hours after ingestion (around midnight) we smoked a joint and boy did that ever kick in. I was totally incapacitated for one full hour, where I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not. There was a little to dark to have serious visuals, but the CEV's where simply amazing. I just lied on the ground for about an hour and floated around in serious visuals.

At 01.00 in the night a new DJ came to the stand. He spun this godlike nice tune and all of the sudden a psychedelic energy jolt shot through me. I went from being totally incapacitated (somewhat ketamine like) to being 1000X MDMA + meth stimulated. At the same time there where the amazing psychedelic push from the 2,4,5 substitution pattern which made everything sound god like. I started dancing (more like stomping and jumping around like a madman). It was amazing. I felt like I had the energy of many hummingbirds and the strength of a pack of wild elephants. I cracked open a bottle of poppers (amylnitrite) and started smelling it. That sure did help
the god like feeling :) I continued stomping like a madman untill the sun rose. I felt like goliath (I wore big military boots, so I could wander around the bushes without any difficulty), as I could stomp on any bushes I wanted without getting scratched. Quite amusing actaully ;) Shortly after that point I had several flashes of reality. It seemed that everyone but me and my friends (who had chosen to mellow out with some fentanyl) was on MDMA/ecstasy and thus at that point everyone was chilling out and coming down, so I was the only one still going nuts on the dancefloor. I thought that this was a once in a lifetime feeling, so I really couldn't care for those people and their 'inferiour' drugs, so I simply continued on my own.

At five in the morning my friends decided it was time leave and thus almost literally dragged from the party. It was now about eight hours since we did the 'tonic', and with the sun up, I was able to enjoy my visuals. The girl from the company and her boyfriend headed home while the other male and I continued downtown. We sat in the middle of a quite popular part of town on the ground. We bought some beers and just sat there talking for a few hours, while doing a little fentanyl to mellow us out. It was really a lovely way to end the trip, just sitting there reflecting over the awesome night that just had passed. At 10 in the morning I headed back home with a smile on my lips and went to sleep beside my beautiful girlfriend with a little valium in the system. Woke up at 15.00 the day after feeling quite refreshed.

The week after some friends tried the compound again with minimal effects. It seems that this compound causes heavy tolerance?

All in all:
Can't understand why this compound is not widely tested. Not even the master himself (Shulgin) has tasted it. The duration is comparable to that of LSD and the effects are very nice indeed. The dosage I did was a ++ bordering to +++. Although I was tripping really hard, I was able to bring myself down to the level where I probably -could- interact with normal people. It definately has advantages over DOB for instance (duration wise and preparation wise). Maybe it's because of the negative ratings the 2C-N has gotten in PiHKAL, that has caused this compound to be overlooked!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24932
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 18, 2006Views: 12,273
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Various (136), DON (375) : Rave / Dance Event (18), General (1)

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