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Paranoia and Social Withdrawal
Citation:   Anonod. "Paranoia and Social Withdrawal: An Experience with Cannabis (exp25059)". Jul 6, 2003.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
About three years ago I began smoking cannabis daily. I became disenchanted with my life as a result and so smoked more. As time went on I began to crave stronger dope so moved on to cheap weed. For another year this was great I smoked and smoked and became more and more detached from reality. The cheap weed I was buying began to have no effect so I moved onto good weed. Smoking this I felt stoned once again but my paranoia and social withdrawl were becoming more desperate.

After a few months of this I began flying to Amsterdam and sending back weights to the uk and smoking the profits. I had by now quit my job, alienated all my friends and family as a result of my habit, I was smoking around two once every week. On halloween last year I had a major psychotic episode due to the cannabis which as I had never read anything about this on erowid or otherwise I was not expecting. I was sectioned to the local mental hospital and remained there for a week before being sent home. Eight months on I am taking Olanzapine and being told I can never use dope again or risk schizophrenia.

I know the majority of people use it responsibly, I know that many people can use weak grass everyday and be 'almost' unaffected, but, those who smoke strong grass every day for a long time are destined to end up like me and there is nothing on your site to suggest the same. Please put up a warning. Something like... The long term affects of daily cannabis use massively increases the amount of dopamine in the brain leading to mental problems including psychosis and eventually schizophrenia. Occasional use causes no long term damage but will still increase dopamine levels leading to paranoia and unfounded anxiety.

I used to think I was so cool, all over the UK news were stories about how dope should be legalised and how its harmless, everyday a newspaper would print a story championing its cause and at the same time I was providing dealers with grass I knew was stronger than they had ever had before. Now I feel so stupid, that I provided such strong dope to so many young people makes me sick and I wish I could do something to put that right.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25059
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 6, 2003Views: 25,986
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Cannabis (1) : Various (28), Post Trip Problems (8), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Health Problems (27)

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