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Ketamine revalations
Citation:   The X cops. "Ketamine revalations: An Experience with Ketamine (exp25075)". Nov 13, 2005.

  insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Note- I have studied and researched as much information as I can about Ketamine before experimenting and you should too.

About 2 years ago I was taking a radio class in high school and met a girl who introduced me to Ketamine. She gave me a little bump when the teacher wasn’t looking and I was captivated. At this low dose the effects were very calm and distant but it settled into my mind and 2 years later I found a place to get it again.


I was getting mushrooms for the night from my friends dealer and he asked me if id ever done K... Well, I got my 1/2 of mush and 20$ worth of K. (about 200mg)
I left to go catch the bus and did 2 decent bumps in the hallway (About 25 mgs each.) I had to walk a few blocks to get to the stop and it started raining about halfway there, I was starting to feel a bit high, more like a strong weed high than anything, and the rain was only intensifying it.

5 minutes go by waiting at the bus stop and I’m very light headed, I’m listening to Pink Floyd on my discman and the sound is vibrating my whole body. I giggle to myself and a girl at the stop gives me a weird look. This makes me kinda paranoid, I lay low all the way home anticipating the relief I know my basement will bring. The floor on the bus is breathing the whole way home, in and out, in and out. I can feel it move up and down with my legs... A cool sensation but nothing to intense, the bus ride was more of a body high than anything.

I get home and call Brad and Ashley over, we settle into the basement with some pop, some cd's, some pizza, everything we will need for the night and chow down on the mushrooms at about 10 o'clock (about 4 grams each).

We have a good, fun mushroom trip, lots of tracers and laughs, but I’m not here to write about that. The intensity of the mush died down at about 2 in the morning and we all get up out of the basement and go explore the house. I decide now is a good time to ket... (Keep in mind I’m still feeling the mushrooms but I can manage myself now.)

As of this point I’ve never actually visited the infamous 'K-hole' so I was nowhere near prepared for what was about to happen. I knew there was about 150mgs left and numerous web sites and references (Erowid!) recommended about 100-200mg (insufflated) to get to the 'K-hole' so I took out my key and started doing bumps. finished off the bag in about 2 minutes and was walking around my house enjoying the cool K waves. The waves started getting really intense and reality started becoming unstable. The floor would twist into the wall and before I knew it the whole room was washing away like a big whirlpool. I managed to get over to my sofa before the ride started.

Sitting upright on the couch, the room continues swirling with the focus of my eyes, I found I could make things swirl and stop on command, I did this for about thirty seconds (seemed much longer) until the rooms became to distorted to manage anymore. I grasped onto reality one last time and saw my kitchen floor swirled into my ceiling in the shape of an oily K, the bulk of the letter throbbed, rolled off the tip and dropped onto this plane beside it, this is when I left Earth. Everything froze and I fell into shock, I realized I had totally left my body. The shock didn’t register though, it seemed as if my most primal instincts and emotions were gone. This continued on throughout the trip, trying to grasp human behavior and emotion, it seemed so far and distant.

I kept thinking about my girlfriend and my family, my life. I found that I could see different ideas at once, I had total control over my brain and there was no limit to what I could learn. Flying through seas of pure information I was at the root of human existence, it was the closest thing to god you can imagine. Its hard to describe my trip because everything was going at once, alongside my journey of mental self discovery, there were very lucid visual hallucinations. I think calling them hallucinations is a bit of an understatement. You don’t actually hallucinate, you see the other dimension your in very clearly and everything is how it seems (yet always changing).

Although it is very strange and often scary at times, my brain didn't register the fear so it was difficult to feel ANYTHING. Between Revelations in strange alien universes and flying down translucent tunnels to find the root of my inner being, there seemed to be no set boundaries on where ketamine could take me.

My eyes open after what seemed like eternity’s of time/space travel and find that I only had my eyes closed about 5 minutes, reality was still spinning (but it wasn’t dizzying at all, it was accepted) and it was hard to keep reality together, my eyes droop and the room exploded inside out into a tapestry of color. Flying through the psychedelic volcano that is constantly changing shape, color and sound. There were a lot of other variables that kept changing but they don’t exist in the normal world so I couldn’t be able to tell you about them. I can see myself sitting on the sofa, I look dead. I can feel all my nerves and every aspect of my body pumping away at keeping my body alive, I watched my blood flow through me and my brain telling me to breath and keep pumping the blood, I keep dwelling on the idea of blood.

I come in and out of reality once or twice more until it wears off and I’m left mentally exhausted, overpowered by what just transpired. I sat still for at least another half an hour in total awe of my experience, I felt unable to talk or move... I thought for a second maybe I had gone crazy but that thought passed. My mind was blank with amazement for the next hour; I just sat and thought about the K-hole. I had a cigarette and built up the will to get up and go to bed.

Note- I’m gunna try Ketamine again, I want to explore my mind again. I wish I had been more prepared, I have some ideas for my next trip.


Its Wednesday night, I don’t have to work tomorrow and I have some K. I’m gunna go do some meditating, listen to some music then dose... I have 200mgs (powder) so I’m snorting again I guess... I’m not sure how I should dose it though; I’m thinking 150 then save like 2 bumps for tomorrow. But I might go 100/100, maybe get 2 trips to the k hole cuz I doubt 50 will take me. Maybe i'll do the 100, see how far I go then decide. I’m in kind of a nervous mind frame, I had a decent day but my moms been yelling at me and I’m kind of scared of the K so I’m gunna try and clear that up. Ill be back later tonight to write the trip.

Ok, Thursday morning. I wrote the above at about 9:30. I sat around in my living room until 10:00 when my mom went to bed (after watching N.Y.P.D. blue :P) I head up to my room with some nails to put up my new flag for the trip (no, we don’t have tacks). I put my Blind Guardian flag (its got a big stone rune on it with this fucked up metal dragon thing in the middle, its about 4 feet by 2 feet) on the ceiling so I could look up at it and maybe try and open the K-hole there. Then I put my Morbid Angel flag (really ironic because it has a picture of this medieval world being sucked into this black hole and it looks a lot like what happened to my kitchen last time) on the wall in front of me. I was paranoid about my mom coming in so I decided to wait till about 11pm to do the K. I watched TV until the 10:30 mark and I did a small line, 20mgs I figured.

I watched some more TV, normal low dose K effects, mild buzz, some paranoia. 11:00 rolls around and I get the K, I make 4 even lines of 45mg each. I do one in each nostril and wait 2 minutes to let the burn subside, then the other 2. I lay down in my bed and stare up at the flag and relax myself while it sets in, about 7 minutes until I started feeling any signs of the K-hole.

I started feeling some of my organs, my lungs felt really tense and I could feel my brain, it felt really gritty and dirty in my head. I was looking up at my flag at about T+10 when I started feeling uncomfortable, I could feel my brain working and it was making this WHIZZZZZ’ing sound. It was more than a sound though, it vibrated down my whole body and made it feel like I was filling with small rocks and it was killing me. I started getting really scared but this time I COULD feel the fear, I wasn’t in the K-hole yet.

I rolled over and looked at my wall trying to get away from it, I felt somewhat normal for about 5 seconds until I was instantly smeared across this infinite plane. It was still my bed AND I was still in my body! This was really weird because I was expecting to me flying around totally out of body. I know I’m not in the k-hole yet, I still make out my room somewhat so I rolled over because the smear thing was starting to hurt. The rest is blurry but I remember being very disoriented but still in reality, a lot of it hurt and I got really scared at one point.

I didn’t remember anything about the day and I couldn’t figure out how I got that way so I was panicky and uncomfortable. I had a few near death experiences but never made it to the hole. I think I fell asleep around 11:35. I woke up this morning clear headed and sober, but upset and discouraged. 'fuckin waste of 20$ I say to myself' and go have my morning smoke. I smoke a bowl then I start remembering the dreams I had when I went to sleep. They were incredibly vivid and it felt like I was actually there and I could control myself. In The part I remember most clearly, I was sitting on the back of the bus, were just arriving at Northgate. I notice these 2 beings (I know they’re people but they’re distorted and blurry). There are a lot of them around but these 2 stick out. I then notice that the whole city is oily and loose, reminded me of the oily K that took me to the hole in my last trip. I get up to go to the door and the 2 people turn around and its laurel and Gina, 2 friends of mine.

It was just really... REAL, I could feel myself there and almost had control over myself. Now that I think about it the K might have had more anesthetic control over the night, however the trip was painful and scary.

Notes- I think I overshot, I did almost double than in my last entry. Well, I’m getting a half gram (500mg) for 35$ next week (good for someone I just met :P) so ill be back then. Probably with a few 100-150 mg doses, maybe one on mushrooms/pot. I also want to try IM and oral doses, but don’t know how to use needles and oral requires too much material. I also want to take someone with me, I’ve only experienced the hole alone and it can get really lonely sometimes. I just noticed that this painting I have in my living room looks a lot like the hole opening, its got a dirty cement wall cracked open with these infinite dimensions of color and... You’d have to see it.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25075
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 13, 2005Views: 18,131
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Ketamine (31) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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