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Beauty and a Sense of Divine Everywhere
Citation:   Popplagid. "Beauty and a Sense of Divine Everywhere: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp25119)". Mar 10, 2018.

  oral Mushrooms (dried)

First time mushrooms: excelent and almost perfect experience!

I only ate 3 shrooms and alone, late at night.
I decide in counscious to try them (a small amount) which I believe I could control. And I could.

First, after some 20min, I began to feel a little increase in body temperature. Some funny thoughts and perceptions began also to appear. No nausea.

40min. I continue lied down and at home. Little light, soft music. My body started to feel a little more weird. Some allucinations start as well. I was never really afraid. Curious and sometimes surprise.

I heard beautiful chants of birds, cars and trucks far away, a angel calling (I did not understand what), an alien (which appeared from a picture) tried to communicated (was with a bad face), borders of objects waving and merging. But not strong hallucinations. The dose was small.

I shut down music. I was feeling somethings not correct, at several moments. I decide to go outside. First I was amazed by the cloudy and windy sky. I saw something moving fast up there. I saw also a bright red star behind a moving tree.

This curious scenario, from my balcony, make me decide going really outside.

First, I walk by foot (this was about 70mins later). I was amazed by all silence at night, the appearance of trees, the beauty of flowers, the smells, the cat passing by. Only some rare appearances of cars annoyed me a little. People were also pretty strange to my mind. I was ok and happy. I decide to pick my bike. The cannals of water from the city were amazing! They seem vivid and alive with the water being pulled by the wind! The scenarios were almost divine by this time. Something otherwordly. Life seemed a dream.

At this time, and during 2 hours (I did not care about time anymore), the peak continued. Hallucinations were not present. Only an altered (to beautifully) view and perception of reality. No really spiritual things as I dreamed but the experience was indeed fantastic!

I was like a child, seeing beauty in everything. I felt very self-confident but I did not speak to any of the few people I found on the streets. It was deep dawn. Sunrise was about to happen and I was more amazed with the sky. Although, I decide to return home.

I began experimenting on food and on music. Food was great only to taste (a few was enought). Music was awesome. I also found one of my colleagues awaked and talked entusiasticly with him.

It was a wonderful night. Perhaps the greatest ever (even the fact I was almost completely alone)

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25119
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2018Views: 891
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Mushrooms (39) : Alone (16), First Times (2), General (1)

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