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Confusion, Anxiety, and the Fear of Death
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)
by blur
Citation:   blur. "Confusion, Anxiety, and the Fear of Death: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) (exp25124)". Jan 28, 2023.

12.5 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
In March of 2003, I sent myself into a very bad trip after eating a heavy dose of morning glory seeds. It was about the fifth experience, but never before in that volume. I had heard that 5-10 grams is the dose range, but my friend P (his second time on the seeds) and I wanted to trip balls. We did.

We each ate 12.5 grams of morning glory seeds. The come-on made us mildly sick, and took about thirty minutes before we noticed some effects. At P's house, everything just seemed different. Can't explain that, it just wasn't normal. The walls were breathing very deeply, things were flashing, spots on the walls were dancing. The environment was out of the ordinary. Senses were heightened. Every sound, music or a door closing, was richer and louder. Everything looked kind of soft. After about two hours in this state, I was feeling pretty normal. I said goodbye to P and went home, and saw my parents, they suggested that they and I go to dinner out. Okay, fine, I was hungry. But I started to feel like I had to vomit.

We got to the restaurant, it's about six now and we ate the seeds around three. I was feeling unusually nervous. I had to stand outside the whole time, it was far too hot in the restaurant. I was overheating. I called P. He was ecstatic, watching faces in the walls and experiencing an out-of-body experience. P weighs 210 pounds, 60 more than me. He absorbed the poison better. I was sick. I waited outside, couldn't eat, felt insane. I was all tweaked out. I wanted to run around, I felt like death was approaching. I kept getting the sensation that I should just end it, since my life would be over I should just say fuck it and die. I felt like running around and into the street to get hit by a car. Weird thoughts prevailed in my head over the calming things I tried to tell myself.
I kept getting the sensation that I should just end it, since my life would be over I should just say fuck it and die. I felt like running around and into the street to get hit by a car. Weird thoughts prevailed in my head over the calming things I tried to tell myself.

We got home and I was acting too weird so I was cornered by the parents and forced to tell what I had done. My dad then forced me to go to the doctor. He took me to a local clinic, and the doc took my heart rate. I was just sitting perfectly still, should normally be relaxed. He said my heart was beating 105 times a minute, normal is 60. He said that I was in good enough shape so I should not have a heart attack. In that state of mind, I wanted to hear that I would not have one, not should not have one. I got more nervous. The doctor sent me to the ER where I could be monitored and watched. As my dad drove me over, my vision was blurry, I was more hopeful that I might actually live though, although still unsure. Frightened still.

Around I can't remember, maybe between 8:30 and 9:30 I'll guess, I had finally come down. I came down suddenly, and abruptly I knew that it was over and that I would live. That was after sitting in my room waiting for the next doctor to show up. I was still tripping while talking to the nurse. Mentally that night I was a mess. I had not hallucinated since I was at P's house, only lost my mind thereafter.

For months after I was nervous about putting any substance into my body.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25124
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 28, 2023Views: 376
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Families (41), Post Trip Problems (8), Various (28)

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