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Brownie Experiment
Cannabis & Valium
Citation:   Kuhlxcrunr. "Brownie Experiment: An Experience with Cannabis & Valium (exp25235)". Jan 7, 2007.

7.0 g oral Cannabis (edible / food)
MJ Brownie Experiment

What are the effects of eating pot?

Start Time is 9:15 p.m. (7/12/03)


I weigh ~135 Pounds (60.25 kg)

No THC in my system for at least a year!

No drugs in my system in the last week (caffeine, DXM, aspirin, etc.)

I have a completely empty stomach! I ate last at 2:30 p.m. this afternoon.

I will list my feelings every fifteen minutes until I really feel heavy effects (if I

I know the diazepam is against the rules to control this experiment, but this is for
my own good and I can distinguish the different effect of the two drugs/highs

My recipe for an identical experiment is as follows…

Stuff you need:

1 ounce of unsweetened chocolate, roughly chopped
4 Tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter, softened
½ Cup sugar
1 egg
¼ Cup all-purpose flour
½ Teaspoon of vanilla extract (for taste)
Around ½ oz of herb, depending on the strength you want
your brownies.


1.) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a cupcake pan
that makes 4-6 cupcakes (depending on how large you
want the brownie.
2.) Combine the herb and butter in a small saucepan over
low heat, stirring frequently. When the butter and bud have heated up for awhile (just a few minutes) add your
chocolate and let that melt and continue stirring. After
everything is blended remove the mixture from the heat.
3.) Transfer the mixture to a bowl and stir in the sugar.
Than beat in the egg. Gently stir in the flour, salt, and
vanilla. Pour and scrape the mixture into the cupcake
pan about 2/3 full on each one. Put the brownies in the
oven for 20-25 minutes and check periodically to see if
the middle of the brownies is set with a toothpick. Let
them cool on a rack, outside, in the refrigerator, etc.
They stay good a few days and make about 4 brownies.
4.) The brownies will take about 30 minutes to kick in on an empty stomach. Eat one every 30 minutes and you should be out for the night within 3 hours!

NOTE: The smell of bud shouldn't flow out of the oven, but it smells pretty bad in the oven, but not anything you'd expect from pot. I actually though I got a contact buzz while cooking it, but really it turned into a headache. (not pleasant)

9:15 p.m. - I ate one Brownie Cake that contain ~1/9 oz of commercial bud.

9:30 - I took 10 mg of Diazepam to control my anxiety while stoned. (I seem to have a problem with paranoia) Also, my parents are up stairs, so in case I get super baked I won’t get scared! Believe it or not, I actually feel a buzz coming on from the magic brownie! It is nothing like the coming up while smoking, it seem to affect how my body feels (in a good way!).

9:45 - Nothing much different, It seems that I am totally normal around my parents because I’m not flying to the peak as you do while smoking. This is a real benefit to a person in a social setting, but I still don’t know for
sure how high I will reach tonight.

10:00 - Still not much has changed; I think I feel different (you get the point). I am eating another brownie that contains ~1/9 an oz of bud. I also consumed another 5 mg Valium pill.

10:15 - I’m starting to feel like I’m moving up fast, my first brownie must be kicking in. I feel baked already, I can’t believe that it hit me so hard in just 15 minutes between 10:00 and 10:15. I noticed that there is a weird body high that I don’t normally experience while smoking. I feel heavy and feel stuck to my chair I don’t even want to move right now. Walking feels weird, kind of like the Robo walk from a DXM trip. I feel mentally clear, and this doesn’t happen by smoking either! I am excited of what is next!

10:30 - I am toasted right know I had to lead my friend through the process to log on the internet, and I didn’t ever care that I was baked (I believe this is mainly the diazepam that eliminated my paranoia.) I feel like I am stoned in a more calm way, so you can easily control your self in situations that normal smoking would leave you unprepared. My mind is a little cloudier and find myself getting off task easily, and looking around a lot. Typing is harder now, it seems that when if I think about what I am trying to write than it seems harder, so I just let my thoughts flow.

Nothing below is proof read for errors to show my intoxication level.

10:45 - The normal Marijuana smoking effects are beginning to show up. These include the “munchies”, and “cotton mouth”. A real intoxicating body high is present. I feel like I am pulling my legs along, that is similar to being drunk. I think the THC and Valium are a synergistic mixture. I feel so relaxed, and kind of like passing out. I used the delete key about 50 times during this paragraph, and I skipped a lot of words that belong in the sentence in the way I thought it out. It is now 10:50 after I completed this journal entry.

11:00 - I am blown out of my mind, I feel all the normal effects with smoking herb, but with eating it acting normal is hard, you just need to go with the flow! I feel baked, but I still have half stash to eat, so I hope it is cool. I forgot to mention that trip properties of bud are now beginning to show, I am too fucked up to go in front of my parents without any trouble.

11:15 - I am stuck in the chair in front of my computer. I tried to get up, but I felt like my but was glued down to it. I walked around and my vision is blurry like the beginning of a 2nd plateau DXM trip, but I fell like I am swaying around. A lot of the movements I make seem to be done without thinking they flow together. Typing is easy if you don’t have to think about what you are writing, or I always screw up my wording.

11:18 - I feel like passing out for awhile. Totally blown, not like the time I smoked ¼ oz last year. (It took me over 6 minutes to right this sentence!)

12:00 - I’m having closed eye visuals, ones that you don’t get from
smoking, I really enjoy eating the buds more because of the high, and I hate the feeling in your mouth while you smoke.

Sunday 9:00 a.m.

I still feel different; I have the same feeling of when I began to feel the brownies last night. I remembered that while I was sleeping I felt a buzzing sensation throughout my entire body. My vision was buzzing/blinking slightly also. It was a slight trip while I was laying on my bed, nothing intense enough to scare anyone, but I never finished the entire ½ oz, only a ¼. I saved the rest for my DXM trip tonight. I kind of regret taking too much diazepam because I passed out before the peak of the experience, but even before my peak the experience was very intense and nothing like smoking pot! I feel like moving around a lot when I smoke pot, but while eating it I just want to chill in one spot and not do anything!

11:30 - I feel like I have a little hangover, or maybe because I need to eat. It was from the 15 mg of Valium I should have stayed with five or ten. (I only weigh 135) I was actually planning on doing 600 mg of DXM tonight, but I might not be able to if this headache lasts all day. Just smelling my last two brownies makes me want to puke!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25235
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 7, 2007Views: 19,077
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