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The Best Way to Get High
Citation:   SkyWasGold. "The Best Way to Get High: An Experience with Cannabis (exp25386)". Oct 14, 2007.

1.0 g oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Let me start off by saying that this experience was my first time ever consuming cannabis orally (have done it again since though), and also have only gotten high about 20 times in my life previously. A friend of mine got a hold of 1/8 of high quality weed, and after reading many of the reports, decided to try for a longer and more intense experience by making weed cookies.

My friend and I consumed 1 cookie each (recipe made four) on a fairly empty stomach. We knew the effects wouldn't kick in for awhile, and I was curious to see how long it would actually take and how long the experience would last. After approximately 45 minutes from the time of consumption, I was walking around outside enjoying the beautiful summer weather and noticed that when I look at something, everything around it is vibrating even thought the object I focus on is stationary. This was extremely amusing, and I soon realized how happy and care-free I was feeling. I felt like I was in the clouds!

When I smoke, I normally feel somewhat detached and introverted, but this was certainly a different high! The conversations with my friend and I were extremely interesting and comforting, and I felt like I could talk to him forever about anything I was feeling. I talked about all the emotional issues I have been going through with my ex-girlfriend, what I want to do in life, things I wish I could have done differently in certain situations, etc. We just expressed our deepest thoughts with each other with so much ease that it was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life, especially since it was with my long time best friend.

I also enjoyed how I didn't have to smoke anything into my lungs, which I hate doing. It was interesting to notice how gradually the high came on, and how the effects were so much more intense than when smoking, yet also so much more euphoric and calming. I notice that when I smoke, I have a period of time about 15 minutes after getting high that I have an extremely enjoyable laughing fit, and then it slowly fades away into more of a deep though process. This time, the laughing phase lasted well over an hour and a half!!! My friend and I both went to a see a movie, and whenever something struck us as funny, we had the hardest time trying to stop laughing. And the best part was, when we tried to stop laughing, that just made it worse! We ended up having to get out of our seats still cracking up with laughter and leave the theater to enjoy other things around town.

The entire experience lasted approx. 8 hours, and even the next morning I felt like a million bucks. My sensations were still heightened, I felt like I had the best night's sleep, and lay in bed with the feeling of 'This is going to be a great day.' Because I don't get high often, this is now my favorite and only method of consumption. I can't imagine ever wanting to smoke again unless it was the only way possible. There is no smoke smell, I don't damage my lungs, I can eat it without anyone knowing what it actually is, and the high is so much more intense, many many times longer lasting, and much more enjoyable overall.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25386
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 14, 2007Views: 24,643
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Cannabis (1) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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