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A Very Typical Trip
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Conan. "A Very Typical Trip: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp25580)". May 22, 2007.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  0.5 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I am 16 years old and am trapped in a town where reality is all too predictable. Until a little less than a year ago, I was technically straight edge. By now I smoke pot regularly and have indulged in what I can buy at the pharmacy (DXM, Dramamine), what I can find in my mother's medicine cabinet (Vicodin, Codeine), my sister's ADHD medicine (Dexedrine) and various other typical but fairly juvenile substances. I thought I was psychologically prepared for mushrooms, but I doubt I was.

This was my second day back from a week long stay in Lake Tahoe in which I indulged excessively in alcohol, DXM and pot. Long story short, by the day of my shroom trip I was feeling a little dazed, delirious and all together retarded. I brought the shrooms up to Tahoe to do them there but never felt like I had an appropriate opportunity. When I came home I was looking for every chance I could find to do them as quickly as possible for I heard they loose potency. I ended up going to this girl's house that was willing to baby sit me.

I ingested the shrooms at about 3 o'clock PM by simply eating them straight out of the bag. I had a glass of orange juice handy to wash down the not too disgusting taste of the shrooms. I also took about 4 orange chewable vitamins. When I finished my meal I felt no different. At this point I smoked a couple of bowls keeping a close eye out for anything out of the ordinary. It is very hard for me to pinpoint exactly when the shrooms kicked in because I assumed every thing different in my world was the responsibility of the weed. I noticed the smoke that bellowed from the burning incense was peculiar for I seemed to see patterns in it, where I thought smoke was patternless and completely spontaneous. I also obsessed over the dotted pattern on a chair which seemed to mark the cat that was sitting on the chair.

I felt a very urgent need to satisfy my very spontaneous desire to go outside. I was immediately blown away by the light. I now knew that the shrooms were diligently going to work. Never before had the sun looked so divine, and never before had the movement of the trees blowing in the wind looked so lifelike and orchestrated. At this sight I grew horribly giddy. I began to play with her dog on the grass, feeling very 'at one' with nature. This already felt very typical of what I expected shroomland to be like, and at the thought of this I fell even harder into laughter. I then, as irrationally as before, felt like I needed to be inside.

By now I think I have fallen into madness, though I haven't yet realized it. I am, at this point, very stuffy and am constantly plagued with watering eyes. I yawn constantly, every yawn feeling deeper and fresh than the last. I now feel like I have been poisoned. I am amused that I paid money for this to happen to me. Everything looks different now, but nothing specifically. I feel as though I am more aware of energy and everything appears to reflect on that. I begin to obsess over the sense of touch, persistently feeling my face. I now need to go outside again and nothing can stop me.

I wander curiously over to a large bush, and there is a person in the bush, an unmistakable figure. This wouldn't be so peculiar but the image of the figured seemed to be matched with a presence so I felt as though there was a person in the bush, but this, at the time, didn't feel out of the ordinary. My babysitter then brought me back inside, beginning to fear for my sanity and I didn't protest, though I felt as though I, at some point, needed to go back to that person. The presence of many new, but nonexistent people inside her room made forget about my friend outside though. I saw figures as well, but only peripherally.

Then, as I felt like watching television, my babysitter put on Alice in Wonderland and went to go make us some Mac n' Cheese, because now, I was hungry. It seemed that eating is what I needed to be doing right then. She didn't seem to return for hours. This is when I fell furthest into madness I think. I remember curling up into the fetal position on my chair and just laughing. I saw this sight from somewhere else in the room, however, and in a clear state of consciousness thought to myself, 'That mother fucker is damn crazy'. I was now consumed by the most elaborate closed-eye visuals. Remembering what I saw is as futile as trying to recall a dream. All I can recall is astonishing at the intricacy of everything any of my, what seemed to be, more than five senses detected.

I don’t remember actually watching one moment of Alice in Wonderland, though I felt very much like Chris in Shroomland so to speak. The presence of the TV was very comforting. I would periodically stand up and walk about the room in an attempt to satisfy my insatiable curiosity. I now wanted my babysitter back in the room, not really even remembering who she was, just that her presence was comforting to me. I must say though, through my experience I felt as though I bonded very much so to the cat that lived in her room. All of her three dogs also felt like characters in my adventure, each having different roles and different significance to me.

My babysitter now returned to the room with food for me which I periodically ate during my trip with little success. Her little sister was playing the drums somewhere else in the house and the idea of seeing sounds became very strong to me. Each bang of a drum seemed to disturb everything in my world. I now had all the typical and very strong open-eye visuals, such as trails fallowing everything that moved, bouncing balls of light, spinning leaves, and breathing walls. I remember uttering often within my clutter of mumbling things like, 'This is so typical', and, 'This is how it’s supposed to be'. I now knew what it was like to trip out, literally. I would, every so often, be bombarded by everything, like sensory overload, fall into laughter, and feel like I was freaking out, like a mouse in shock or something.

At some point Alice in Wonderland had ended and my babysitter put on The Hobbit, the cartoon movie. At this point I was still tripping out very strongly, at my peak, and it must have been around five o'clock, two hours after ingestion. As I lie on the floor playing with the cat I pick out a Pink Floyd CD and insist on listening to it, because it felt very typical. I watched a little more of The Hobbit than I did of Alice in Wonderland, but every scene I would watch was unbearably long, hours it seemed. Both movies I watched reflected strongly on the strong feeling of adventure that accompanied my trip. I at one point would move this one cup and put it back over and over again, each time the air around it would appear to ripple and I felt like I took it out of its place. I would only regain comfort if it was back where it 'belonged'. In his way I felt just stupid. I at this point feel like I can relate to those who are autistic or crazy in anyway.

I have never come back to reality so fast. Reality seemed so tangible you could cut it with a knife. I seemed to not notice the absence of reality until it returned. Even as reality was present, hallucinations continued, and even as hallucinations dwindled, a strong, vacuous feeling lingered. I could imagine getting busted on shrooms very easily because everything was a joke to me. I could easily just laugh at my parents in such a state of mind and the police station would be no more than a game, something to do.

As I came down I began to feel very insignificant and nothing seemed to matter. I at one point had no idea what to do with my life, like I didn't know how to go on in this new world where I had to deal with reality. I had adapted too quickly and too strongly to my new world and was in denial about going back. I had the feeling of never wanting to do drugs again but that quickly dwindled, and my very typical and very strong sense of awakening and enlightenment was gone almost as quickly. My trip was in some ways like a school year, for it seemed to take eternity while it was happening, but now as I reflect it seems but a blink of an eye.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 25580
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 22, 2007Views: 5,310
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