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I Almost Underestimated Them
Morning Glory & Cannabis
Citation:   Terrance. "I Almost Underestimated Them: An Experience with Morning Glory & Cannabis (exp25724)". Dec 1, 2006.

T+ 0:00
10 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  T+ 4:07 3 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I've been experimenting with psychadelics more over the last few months, and since LSD is not available in the area and my last LSD trip was just a bit too strong for my tastes, I thought I would try morning glory seeds. After reading up quite a bit, I purchased 10 packs of Heavenly Blue (5g per pack), and my roommate took a trial run with 5g while I played babysitter. It didn't have much of an effect on him, it was more a weak body trip than anything and he remained pretty normal through the entire day.

The next day we decided to try to get a real trip off of it, so we prepared the seeds in the same method as previously, that is, we ground them up in a coffeemaker and soaked the mush in water for about 1 hour, then consumed in liquid and sat back to wait for the effects, following is somewhat incoherent log of the events as I remember them. I would have kept a 'Trip Log' of the entire thing, but at first I didn't think it worked very well, and then when I realized it was working it was too strong to concentrate on anything complicated like typing. Anyway, here goes:

Ingested approx 10g of morning glory seeds with juice. Please note, I was already feeling fairly nauseated before we even began this experience, my stomach had not settled well from the previous night. My roommate, hereafter referred to as Z, also took 10g.

Sat down to play Dreamcast and wait effects. Feeling quite nauseated at this point.

Very nauseated and anxious, I am constantly crossing my legs and in general experiencing mild to medium levels of anxiety. My roommate is neither nauseous nor feeling anxious, so he gets up to prepare some food in the kitchen.

Took a swig of pepto to help ease my stomach but to no avail. At this point I'm feeling on the verge of extreme nausea, so I light up a small bowl of weed in the water bong. This helps a little bit and stimulates my apetite a little, but overall I'm still fairly nauseated. Roommate continues to go about his business like everything is normal.

Scrambled up off the couch to go play some guitar, because this oasis song is just too freaking sweet to listen to without getting into it.

Ate about half a plate of hamburger helper while watching television. The food was not enjoyable, my stomach is still very pissed, and i ended up throwing away most of it. (As did my roommate, who at this point is starting to get nauseous too)

Trip is just starting up it seems now, music sounds really neat, body is really tingling, alive. I feel like I'm 'there', but I'm not sure how 'there' I am. Listening to astral projection and hallucinogen (goa trance techno) at this point and really starting to let my mind work.

Still enjoying the music, effects are similar to a very mild acid trip but without almost any visuals. Stomach still screaming at me, however, and at this point I was just wishing the stomach pains would stop so I could enjoy the trip in peace.

There is a very big gap in my memory between 2:30 and 4:00 but I distinctly remember listening to a lot of music and thinking. Trip is still not visual. We both decided to call it a learning experience at this point, but I decided I'd probably not touch these seeds again because the horrible nausea is not worth some mild body trips. Anyway, we go back to watching TV (South Park), and decide to smoke a few bowls to get hungry and finish the trip up properly. Stomach was still slightly uneasy but most of it was gone already.

At this point we've smoked about 2-3 bowls between us and I'm feeling pretty good. South park is funny and I distinctly remember cracking up at terrence and phillip's extreme sarcasm when they find out how much being a pilgrim 'Totally sucks ass' -- They're about to freeze to death and they still make wisecracks about fart jokes and 'smelly indians'

Whoa. Something really strange just happened, I was taking a hit off the bong and when I finished and exhaled it felt like my entire lungs/throat/mouth was exhaling pure tar. Thats the only way to describe it. I panicked for a second, thinking I had inhaled some embers or something, or maybe got a gigantic hit, but when I looked up there was almost no smoke there. It was a very small hit, but for some reason beyond that point everything went completely bonkers.

I've smoked pot hundreds of times but this was beyond anything I've ever seen, it was like the entire world was moving in slow motion, time was stopping and starting by itself, occasionally I would lose track of time and realize it only when a different south park episode came on. My roommate was tripping so hard he couldn't concentrate even to rewind the VCR for 20 seconds. The room felt both huge and alive all at the same time.

I wasn't experiencing so much the visual side as the body side. My body was gone, and my mind was somewhere else, too. Every time I'd try to pull a coherent though from the rolling storm of reality, it would escape me and I'd go back to concentrating on why I couldn't concentrate.

No idea whatsoever happened between 4:30 and 7:30, except that I ate an entire bag of chex mix and watched a lot of south park episodes. My roommate was nowhere to be seen when the video finally finished and static hit the screen, he had gone to bed. I went back to my computer and put on some Led Zeppelin, which was very cool. I felt like I could see what Jimmy Page meant when he penned 'Immigrant Song' and 'When the Levee Breaks', but I can't remember what it was now, and even if I could, I think it was a feeling more than something I can put into words. Presently I fell asleep and slept extremely soundly, no dreams that i can remember, and woke up around 5 oclock with no hangover but some lingering trip aftereffects.

I'm finishing up this report and listening to Helloween. Effects are still there but weak, like being slightly stoned. Morning Glory seeds are a definite repeat for me. I'm doing them again as soon as I think my body will handle it without reacting violently. Except, next time I'm gonna take 12-14g and grind them into a chocolate pudding so they are difficult to taste.

I am DEFINITELY going to smoke pot to enhance the trip again. It easily made the voyage worthwhile, but then, I'm not sure how much of the trip was the pot mixing with the trip, or the trip by itself. Who cares: It was mind blowing.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25724
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 1, 2006Views: 10,280
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Morning Glory (38) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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