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A Lot I Don't Remember
Flunitrazepam & Alcohol
by Zop
Citation:   Zop. "A Lot I Don't Remember: An Experience with Flunitrazepam & Alcohol (exp25817)". May 3, 2004.

T+ 0:00
1.0 mg insufflated Pharms - Flunitrazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 1.0 mg oral Pharms - Flunitrazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:59 1 tablet oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
I wake up. I'm a bit dizzy. I know am at my friend's place, but I don't remember falling asleep the night previous. In fact, there's a lot of last night I don't remember. No wonder why it's a date rape drug.

What I do remember of my first experience is this:

I went with my friend to his friends' place. Everyone was going to take Rohypnol and go to the local world-known theme park until it was closed. They always take alcohol before the pills because it's supposed to create a synergy, and the goal was that you were supposed to feel a good buzz (not too strong a buzz). I snorted a pill (no nasty drip and no burn!) and we went on our way. It felt like a different state of drunkeness, or maybe just more inebriated than I've ever been. Beyond relaxed, similar to xanax or, to a lesser extent, valium. I could still understand people and their intentions all right, but I didn't want to talk. My walking didn't seem too bad, but I wasn't paying attention to that. Normally I would be, but it's as they say, it takes away inhibition.

I believe I took another one an hour or so later, but I didn't take more alcohol (to keep the synergy, and supposedly keep your memories). Even though I had snorted the first one, it still didn't come on all at once, which seems to be why my memories start to become faded at this point, like a dream. I remember going on a slow, sit-down ride, but my memories end a bit after that point. I think I took a xanax also that night, but I don't think it affected me with a bunch of alcohol and two rohypnols in my system. I do remember spilling a drink on myself, and after we left, getting the driver to pull over so I could throw up... wait! The driver had drank and took some as well! I remember him telling me to watch his driving, but I think I fell asleep... all very dangerous! I was amazed I let that happen.

There was about five hours before that memory which I knew I was awake and walking around, but do not remember. Never had I experienced this before.

I look around where I had been sleeping and the objects I had with me remind me of brief memories during the lapse. Later that week, I revisted those friends, and found that they had brought a digital camera and a voice recorder. Pictures of me reminded me of that instant, and I could remember it again. They told me I had fun and stumbled around a lot, but I don't remember. It's like someone else had my fun for me. Perhaps if I didn't take so much on my first time, I would have remembered... but this does 'make' you do things you wouldn't do normally.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25817
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2004Views: 29,527
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Pharms - Flunitrazepam (108), Alcohol (61) : Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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