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Complete Blackout
Zolpidem, Venlafaxine & Olanzapine
by Ryan
Citation:   Ryan. "Complete Blackout: An Experience with Zolpidem, Venlafaxine & Olanzapine (exp25833)". Aug 4, 2003.

  oral Pharms - Venlafaxine
    oral Pharms - Olanzapine
    oral Pharms - Zolpidem
I will never ever take ambien again. Since highschool I have had a problem with depression and one of the problems I was having was that I could not get to sleep easily, or it would be hard to stay asleep as well. I took my nightly handful of pills (effexor, zyprexa) and my ambien and I sat down to start playing some video games before I got tired. My memory of that night ends here, the next memory I have is of me in the ICU at steven's hospital. Apparently, sometime after I had taken the 10mg of ambien that I was supposed to, I downed the rest of the bottle and took an entire bottle of my zyprexa, huffed a bug bomb, and was bleeding profusely out of my mouth and nose. This is just what other people have told me about what happened that night, I have no memory of it at all.

So if you are going to take ambien, be very careful, I don't even know what triggered me to do this because I have never attempted suicide before. I don't even remember how bad of shape I was in when I entered the hospital, but from what everyone told me I almost died, and had it not been for my friend's mom rushing me to the hospital as fast as she did, I would be dead instead of writing this.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25833
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 4, 2003Views: 40,004
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143), Pharms - Venlafaxine (191), Pharms - Olanzapine (260) : General (1), Depression (15), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Hospital (36)

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