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Take One
Morning Glory (Extract), Cannabis, Alcohol & Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Doctorellisdee. "Take One: An Experience with Morning Glory (Extract), Cannabis, Alcohol & Salvia divinorum (exp25853)". Oct 14, 2007.

1 capsl oral Morning Glory (extract)
The Glory of Morning

5.17.03 21.16MNT

I had 38g of Heavenly Blue morning glory seeds. I pulverized them in a coffee grinder. I then soaked them in my nonpolar solvent, Naptha (petroleum distillate) overnight, the next morning I poured off the liquid and added more Naptha. I left it for eight hours, poured it off, and repeated, leaving the last Naptha application overnight. I then spread the material out on a plate in a hot, dry garage, so that it wouldn't be hit by sunlight, as I am unsure of the effect that would have. I let it dry overnight, and then stirred it in the morning. When I did I could still smell the naptha, so I let it sit for six hours, I stirred it again, and smelled it again, this was a pretty fine powder by now, with a few larger bits mixed in. I repeated this step three or four times until neither I, nor two others, could smell any petrol. Then I left it overnight, just to be sure.

The next day, I soaked it in my polar solvent, Isopropyl Alcohol, for eight hours, poured the liquid onto a Pyrex baking pan, and added more alcohol to the remaining seed mush. I let it soak for eight hours, harvested the resulting liquid, and threw out the vegetable matter. I let the alcohol evaporate o'ernight, and scraped the residue (a browngreen colour) off of the pan and into five gel capsules, formerly containing valerian root extract. I don't know how lossy this method is, so calculating how heavy a dose each capsule of goo is not as accurate as I'd like. I plan on taking one tomorrow morning. I am fairly confident that the sick-making chemicals present in the seeds have been adequately removed, and that the high-making chemicals have been properly and adequately extracted. If I am right, and this experiment is fruitful, the I've found a way to trip hard on something very similar (I wonder what differences, if any, I'll detect) to my beloved, LSD, for approx .5$ a dose. Plus labor. I am quite excited by this prospect. Precautions have been taken, set and setting are set and set, and I fully anticipate a delightful experience.

12:08, 5.18.03 Ingested one (1) capsule. My GF, Ch also ingested one, but I gave her one of the ones that appeared to have slightly less goo in it, since she is not an experienced psychonaut. I had a banana, three strawberries, and three cups of reiboos tea with honey prior to ingestion. Wheeee!

T+40 Getting that 'There's something creeping around the periphery' feeling. I took a shower as I like to be clean when I dose. No feelings of nausea or headache. No pupil dilation or constriction. Ch reported no differences at T+30.

T+1h The afore-mentioned feeling is mounting. Getting that ball o'energy in my tummy that I tend to get on LSD. Ch sez she's feeling 'Different, like mushrooms'. Smiling alot. I couldn't concentrate on a technically precise drawing, screwed up. Gonna try another style. Probably something more psychedelic and sloppier. Listening to Bach. Dunno if that's what I want. May try Handel. If that fails, something electronic. Wish I had Wendy Carlos on hand.

T+1.5h Considering augmenting with cannabis. Will wait until T+2. Patience is a virtue.

T+3h Augmented with a joint of canopy leaves, and a little chunk o'hash. Definitely stoned. There seems to be the presence of something else in the high. It's like being really high on grass, and a little tinge of acid in the perception. Like half a tab of decent blotter. Considering taking another capsule. Perhaps I'll smoke some salvia. I will need to construct an apparatus for such. If I bother, it will be an interesting test of various mental processes. Perhaps the trip, such as it is, is stronger in those categories (organisational, spatial, mechanical) than it has been in the ones engaged so far (left-brainy stuff). I will say that the music (Black Label Society over headphones) is making energy pulses go through my vision on a almost subliminal level. Perhaps it was potentiated, and will become more apparant as the THC high wears off.

T+4 Meh. Gonna go stretch now.

T+6 Continued 'Meh'. Disappointing. I was slightly bummed, because I received some news that pissed me off, but sex* and talking helped make that better, pretty much. Some friends coming over, with booze. I'm having a beer now. Company and booze (official slogan: 'Day suck? Booze fix.') might help me out. Perhaps I'll do a hit of salvia. Apparatus constructed. Basically a sleepy, slightly tinged stone, so far. I'll probably take all the remaining capsules myself all at once, some time in the future. Wonder if the seeds were weak, due to having been picked eightish months ago, despite refrigeration. Salvia or Cowboy Bebop? Perhaps first one, then the other.

T+8:20 (i.e. 20.28 5.18.03) Switched to beer (GOOD beer! New Belguim Co 1554, Flying Dog Amber, I attempted a Guiness and Harp half-and-half, but meh.) Slightly drunk now. The THC continues to be felt, somewhat. Convinced various people to drink Everclear, of all things. The experiment (well, this phase) is basically a bust. Bummer. I did smoke some salvia, but I was kind of half-hearted about it. Slight high, none of the salvia-specific effects result. I think that I'll take all three remaining capsules at once, next time. I'll probably end the trip report here, perhaps adding a retrospective later tonight or tomorrow morning. Incidentally, I ceased report on GF's, (Ch) reactions early on because they basically mirrored mine.

Conclusions at this point. The experience itself was not unpleasant, despite disappointment at lack of intensity. Worth trying further, certainly. Nothing to lose, anyway. This experience is in contrast to some of my friends who did the 'grind 'em up, toss 'em in water, and consume' approach. They tripped very slightly, both got ferocious headaches, and one threw up violently. So, the lack of deleteriousness, despite the weakness of the trip, was indicative of success of the toxin-removing portion of the experiment, if nothing else.

Added Later -- I later on performed the same procedure on seeds taken from the same source, but this time, I was not worried about vegetable matter getting through, I was more concerned with getting all the sludge that resulted. The experiment was successful that time, meaning the good stuff is more in the sludge than the liquid.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25853
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 14, 2007Views: 6,626
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Morning Glory (38) : Various (28), Sex Discussion (14), Music Discussion (22), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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