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Brief Notes
by Zam
Citation:   Zam. "Brief Notes: An Experience with Prednisone (exp26218)". Aug 18, 2003.

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20 mg oral Pharms - Prednisone (pill / tablet)
I was a little surprised that I repeatedly got CNS effects from taking prednisone to treat a skin issue. I got very noticeable mental effects starting 20-30 minutes after ingestion of 20+ mg prednisone.

I felt a bit stimulated, a tightness in my stomach/chest, sort of like
I've taken a solid dose of ephedrine or too much caffeine. Continuing hints of nervousness and discomfort in the stomach.

3 days in a row, for a couple hours after taking the prednisone. On the third day I waited to take it for several hours after I got up and waited til I'd had a full bowl of soup and it still had the same effect.

Partner who had taken prednisone recently found herself with mood swings after taking a single 10mg dose of prednisone.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26218
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 18, 2003Views: 38,683
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Pharms - Prednisone (226) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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