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Full Body Experience
Citation:   Pappasmurf. "Full Body Experience: An Experience with MDA & LSD (exp26272)". Aug 20, 2003.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:00 1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
While recently attending a party I had the opportunity to Kandyflip for the first time. I am an experienced tripper and roller and so looked forward to the experience. The experience started while my chewing up a single MDA pill. I had not rolled in 5 1/2 months. Onset took almost 90 minutes and this is consistent with other MDA rolls I have had. The Build up was fairly slow until I was hit by a sudden massive body load about 2 hours after ingesting the pill. Sudden sweats and a brief period of dry heaving which quickly became a typical full body roll. Touch became much more sensative and physical contact with other people became very desirable. Feelings moved to the surface and I ran into two people I had once been friends with, but had grown apart from. Old animosities were quickly swept aside and it seemed as if nothing had ever come betwen us. In some ways my ability to perceive was distorted. I was so aware of what was occuring in me and directly around me that the music seemed to disappear. People became more attractive and my inhibitions around strangers were reduced. For around the next 2 hours I could not get enough of meeting new people and giving and receiving light shows. The general stress level I had been under prior to the roll was relatively high. The roll worked wonders for relaxing my mental state and preparing me for the LSD.

After the peak of the MDA had begun to subside I placed a single hit of blotter acid on my tongue. I began to notice effects about an hour later. At first the LSD simply enhanced the feelings of rolling, albeit with far more visual effects. These include tinges of prismatic light around my field of vision yet I was still 'rolling' as far as my other senses were concerned. Touch was still very important as was interacting with others. As the LSD became the dominant psycho-effective chemical serious time distortion began. Also beginning at this time were some fairly unexpected but not unpleasant perceptual distortions. People took on decidedly different looks based either on their sex or my personal knowledge of them. Men tended to become very angular and chiseled, often appearing misshapen. Girls tended to look far more rounded with faces becoming almost devoid of straight lines. This seems to me to be due to my own views on the sexes. Men being more masculine and rough took on those views physically. While women as the softer sex lost all traces of hard edges. My best friend was trippin with me and I have had to deal with many of her self induced foibles in life and love. Because of this she took on an almost comical appearance and looked rather clown like. My ability to interact with strangers was at this point very reduced. However my ability to interact with long time friends and aquaintances was not reduced. In fact interacting with familiar people to the exclusion of others would be an accurate description of my activities. The earlier desire to meet and greet had definately been replaced by wariness of strangers.

Overall the experience was positive and is now a fond memory. There are only two negatives to report. Coming down was the only negative to the episode. MDA seems to have a severe effect on my ability to sleep or eat for about 48 hours after ingestion. This has been true in the past and stayed true to what was expected. Dehydration was also a complication. Normally when rolling I remember to drink water at regualr intervals. However once the roll stopped and the trip began water felt like solids in my mouth and I stopped drinking it. This was a mistake and I was severely dehydrated by the end of the night. I ended up suffering muscle cramps, nausea, kidney pains, and a severe migraine head ache.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26272
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 20, 2003Views: 7,982
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MDA (34), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Large Group (10+) (19)

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